Website scraping in node.js!
(I don't encourage violating the TOS of a target site that prohibits scraping.)
Define your scraping parameters in a JSON manifest:
var manifest = {
"base": "",
"spec": {
"/": {
"$query": "td.title ~ td ~ td.title > a",
"$each": {
"title": "(text)",
"link": "(attr href)"
Create your API:
var api = scrapi(manifest);
api('/').get(function (err, json) {
[ { link: '',
title: 'Learning C with gdb' },
{ link: '',
title: 'Hidden Truths about Calories' },
{ link: '',
title: 'Can\'tada - Tracking the stuff you can\'t use in Canada' },
{ link: '',
title: 'Seccuring Stripe\'s Capture the Flag' },
{ link: '',
title: 'Move your feet' },
... ]