This is a personal portfolio webpage for showcasing your profile and social links. It includes sections for your name, profession, contact information, and links to various social media profiles.
The webpage is designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It features:
- Name and Profession: Displayed prominently using animated text effects.
- Social Media Links: Icons linking to your LinkedIn, GitHub, Twitter, and Quora profiles.
- Resume Link: Direct link to your resume in PDF format.
- Contact Information: Email icon for direct contact.
- Styling: Uses custom CSS styles for layout, fonts (Roboto and Raleway), and icons (Font Awesome).
Technologies Used
- HTML: Structure and content of the webpage.
- CSS: Styling and layout of elements.
- JavaScript: Interactive features like tooltip animations and particle effects.
- Libraries: jQuery for DOM manipulation and Tippy.js for tooltip functionality.
You can customize the webpage by:
- Changing the profile name, profession, and social media links.
- Modifying the styling in css/style.css to suit your preferences.
- Adding or removing social media icons based on your profiles.