This program uses Selenium and Python to automate comments on Instagram posts to comment random comments on random posts.
The program requires the following modules to be installed:
Python 3.x
WebDriver for your web browser (e.g. ChromeDriver for Google Chrome)
Clone this repository to your local machine.
Install the required modules if they are not already installed.
Run the program using the following command:
The program will prompt you to enter your Instagram username and password.
Next, the program will ask you to enter the comments that you want to post. You can enter as many comments as you want.
The program will then post a randomly selected comment from your list of comments on the random Instagram posts.
The program will continue commenting on instagram posts until you choose to exit the program.
Please note that the use of bots to automate Instagram activities is against Instagram's terms of service, and may result in the suspension or deletion of your account. Use this program at your own risk.
This program was created by Harshit kumar. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me at