This is more or less a simple test harness for me to run simple benchmarks on to get an idea of process/system usage of a .NET Core application running inside of a linux container.
It is also meant to show a simple data collection process that I've found help in periodically reporting metrics of the application.
Yes, I know the rebuild is a bummer right now, I need to make a template to base my projects off of
Commands | Description |
make run |
Starts the application as well as a metrics dashboard |
make stop |
Tears down the local setup |
make rebuild |
Rebuilds the image so you can run latest code |
App is running on 8000
and the metrics dash can be seen on localhost:80
. The default login for these boards is user:pass admin:admin
I've been trying to run benchmarks with varying configurations (environment variables, different systems, different versions, etc.) so I'll post the run results in this section
All tests are being run with bombardier sending load to the single endpoint I have. The endpoint is mostly just creating a new dumb thing that simulates an IO operation and creates a large object.