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Project 4: Monitoring tools and Statistics Analysis


  • Learn to use the monitoring tools and analyze monitoring data on Mininet and P4. These tools will be useful debugging tools for your future projects.
  • Run monitoring tools
    • Getting latency from applications.
    • Getting packet latencies from tcpdump.
    • Getting traffic rate information through tcpdump.
    • Getting queue length through P4 registers.
  • Analyze the monitoring data
    • Why do we get high tail latencies at times?

Getting Started

To get started with this project, you need to copy the following files from project 3.

  • topology/p4app_fat.json.
  • p4src/ecmp.p4.
  • p4src/include/headers.p4.
  • p4src/include/parsers.p4.
  • controller/controller_fat_ecmp.p4.

Monitoring Tools

Sniffing traffic can be a very powerful tool when monitoring the traffic. There is a wide range of tools that can be used:

Pcap Files:

By default, pcap option is enabled for the Mininet. When a packet arrives at an interface (port) at one switch, the switch will dump the packet into a pcap file. After running the Mininet, you can see a list of pcap files in the directory ./pcap. Pcap logging will create several files using the following naming: <sw_name>-<intf_num>_<in|out>.pcap.

In a word, by reading those pcap files, you can learn how each packet is forwarded from the source to the destination. Those pcap files are recorded in a specific binary format. You could use some pcap parser like tcpdump to read it.

NOTE: The name of pcap files have 'in' and 'out' to identify whether the packet goes into the switch or goes out of the switch. Please note that the pcap file with 'in' means the packet goes out of the switch, while the file with 'out' means the packet goes in the switch.


Another option is to observe the traffic as it flows. For that you can use tools like tshark and its GUI version wireshark. Wireshark is already installed in the VM, you can find its executable in the desktop.

To capture traffic with tshark run:

sudo tshark -i <interface_name>


Similarly, and if you prefer, you can use tcpdump (also already installed in the VM). To capture traffic with tcpdump run (shows link-layer information and does not resolve addresses):

sudo tcpdump -enn -i <interface_name> > <output file>

The output of tcpdump is in plain text. Like pcap files, the output of tcpdump also includes all packets arriving to the interface. Here is a brief introduction for the tcpdump item format:

For ICMP packet, the format is like this

19:35:11.688159 00:00:00:02:01:00 > 00:00:0a:00:00:02, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 98: > ICMP echo request, id 3036, seq 1, length 64

Where the fields are timestamp, source mac address > destination mac address, ethernet type, packet length, source IP address > destination IP address, ICMP packet type, ...

For TCP packet, the format is like this

20:38:28.315819 00:00:00:02:01:00 > 00:00:0a:00:00:02, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 9514: > Flags [.], seq 793632:803080, ack 1, win 56, options [nop,nop,TS val 1335200 ecr 1333906], length 9448
20:38:28.400434 00:00:00:02:01:00 > 00:00:0a:00:00:02, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 66: > Flags [.], ack 2, win 56, options [nop,nop,TS val 1335242 ecr 1333990], length 0

Where the fields are timestamp, source mac address > destination mac address, ethernet type, packet length, source IP address:TCP port > destination IP address:TCP port, TCP flags, sequence number/ack number, ...

Other packets have similar formats.

Task 1: Analyze the Latency of Applications

You are going to analyze the latency of Memcached applications in this task.

In this part, we focus on the latency of memcached requests and understand the latency changes when these requests coexist with incast flows. Please take the following steps.

Application trace. We provide you with a trace named apps/trace/mc.trace, which runs memcached servers on h2-h16, and runs a memached client on h1. The client will send a memcached request every 0.1 second. After running the trace, the latency of each memcached request will be logged in logs/h1_mc.log file.

Run: Run the Mininet using the fattree topology topology/p4app_fat.json from the last project. Then run the ecmp controller controller/

# Terminal 1
sudo p4run --conf topology/p4app_fat.json
# Terminal 2
python controller/

Next, send the incast flows using our bash script

sudo bash apps/

After the messages are printed, then run the trace.

sudo python apps/ apps/trace/mc.trace 1-16 60

After running the trace, kill the incast flow sender.

sudo pkill tg

Latency logs: After running the trace, you can get latency from the ./logs directory. You can find files looking like h1_mc.log, where each line represents the latency for one request.


  • Draw the CDF figure for all latencies of memcached requests. Name it report/latency_cdf.pdf(png).
  • What is the medium latency? What is the 99-th percentile tail latency for memcached respectively?
  • Why do you think memcached has a long tail latency? Please use a single sentence to describe your reason.

Note: We highly encourage you to write scripts for each step of your analysis and write scripts to generate figures. This will allow you to reuse these analysis for debugging your future projects. To make a clean directory structure, please put all your tool codes under the ./tools directory.

Task 2: Queue Length

The key concept impacting the latency of memcached requests is the queue length. Each interface (port) of switches has a queue to buffer packets, in order to tolerate the sudden increase in the traffic rate. However, a long queue in a switch could significantly increase the latency of a packet. In this task, you are expected to read the longest queue length along the path of a packet, and add this information in an additional packet header.

Probe Packets

We do not expect switches to add queue information to all packets, because it could not only increase the overhead of the switches, but also make those packets unrecognized by the hosts (since we add another packet header that should not exist). Therefore, we send a few "probe packets", that are sent and received by our probe applications, to detect the queue information. We provide you with the probe sender and the probe receiver. The probe sender will send one packet periodically, and the probe packet will be processed by switches, and finally sent to the probe receiver. The probe receiver will get the longest queue length and write it to the log.

Adding Telemetry Header

When the probe packet is sent to the first switch from the host, the switch should add a telemetry header to the packet. Here are what you need to do:

  1. Create a header struct named telemetry_t, which contains 16-bit queue length, and 16-bit next header type.
  2. Define ethernet type TYPE_TELE as 0x7777, which is used to represent the telemetry header.
  3. Modify the parser. If the telemetry header exists, the parser should parse ethernet header first, then the telemetry header, and then later headers including the IP header, the TCP header, e.t.c.
  4. Modify the deparser.
  5. In the egress pipeline, set telemetry header valid if
    • The telemetryheader is invalid, and
    • The TCP port number is 7777. Then record the largest queue length along the path. The queue length is stored in standard_metadata.enq_qdepth.

Test Your Solution

  1. Run your topology.
  2. We provide you with a script apps/, which will run a probe received on h1, and run one probe sender on h2-h16. The queue length will be stored in report/qlen.txt.
    sudo bash apps/
  3. Open another terminal, run the incast traffic
    sudo bash apps/
  4. After seeing the message, open another terminal, run the traffic trace
    sudo python apps/ apps/trace/mc.trace 1-16 60
  5. After running the traffic, press CTRL-C to close probe receiver and probe sender, and run the following command to close the incast traffic generator.
    sudo pkill tg
  6. Check tools/qlen.txt to get the queue lengths.


  • Draw a figure to show the longest queue lengths. The x axis is the time, and the y axis is the longest queue length. Name the figure report/qlen.pdf(png).
  • Draw a figure to show the input traffic rate of the interface t1-eth1 using the tcpdump results. The x axis is the time, and the y axis is the traffic rate (using Mbps as the unit). Measure the input traffic rate for every 0.1 second. Name the figure report/rate.pdf(png).
  • Draw a figure to show the latency of memcached requests. The x axis is the time, and the y axis is the latency. Name it report/mc_req.pdf(png).
  • Use tcpdump to collect all the memcached packet latencies, and draw a figure to show the latency of all those memcached packets. The x axis is the time, and the y axis is the latency. Name it report/mc_pkt.pdf(png).
  • Compare the figure of queue length and that of traffic rate, and answer the question: what is the correlation between the queue length and the traffic rate? Use a single sentence to describe it.
  • Compare the figure of latency and queue length, and answer the question: what is the correlation between the queue length and the latency? Use a single sentence to describe it.


  1. Be careful that the tcpdump will dump all input packets and output packets for that interface, but we only care about the input packets because we care about the input traffic rate.
  2. Memcached server uses the port number 11211, and thus packets with either source port number or destination port number 11211 belong to memcached packets.
  3. Packet latency is not the request latency (flow latency).

Task 3: Analyze the Congestion

In previous part, you can learn there are long tail latencies for some memcached requests. Those long tail latencies come from congestions in the network, which means there is a long queue in some switches, introducing a long queuing delay for memcached request packets.

In this part, you need to analyze why there is a congestion in the network.

Pick up a problem. After running the traffic, you can use tcpdump to get the flow latency of all memcached flows. Pick a memcached flow with 99-percentile tail latency. Record the time when the packets of the flow are sent in the network.

Check routing path. Using tcpdump reports, you can learn how those packets are routed within the network. Record the path.

Analyze the long latency. You need to use the information from the pcap files, the queue length, the probe packets, to analyze why the flow experience a long latency.


  • For the memcached flow you pick up, what is the routing path for it?
  • Why the flow experiences a long latency?

Submission and Grading

What to Submit

  • All the plotted figures. It requires you to plot those figures on your own. Please put all figures in report directory.
  • The telemetry header implementation in p4src/ecmp.p4.
  • Answer the questions in the file report/report.txt. Please also include the meaning for each figure you draw in this file. (We can hardly understand the figure by only looking at the file name.)


  • 40: the implementation of the telemetry header.
  • 20: plotted figures.
  • 40: answer the questions.


Please fill up the survey when you finish your project.

Survey link


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