DETER is a system that can replay the execution of TCP connections. See our NSDI 19 paper.
It requires a few modifications to the Linux kernel to support. We made modifications to Linux 4.4.98 here. These modifications are basically hook functions that we added to record (during runtime) and inject (during replay) values.
For record, DETER has a kernel module and a user program.
The kernel module implements the hook functions that record values. The recorded values are stored in kernel memory shared with the user space.
The user program reads recorded values from the shared memory. When a connection finishes, the user program dump the data to disk.
For replay, DETER also has a kernel module and a user program.
The kernel module implements the hook functions that return values, which are get from the user program.
The user program simply reads values from local disk, and feed them to the kernel module via the shared memory.
First compile and install the kernel.
Then make
in kmod/
and in user/
In user/
, use
to run a recorder. The recorder currently are configured to record connections with port number 50010, 60000~60003. Use
to stop the recorder.
The data are stored under user/
, with file named <srcip(hex)>:srcport-<dstip(hex)>:dstport
To replay, use
. Use
to stop the replayer.
You may contact for further questions.