Heyyy! Welcome to the Competitive Programming Solutions repository! This repository is a comprehensive collection of solutions to a wide array of competitive programming problems from popular platforms such as Codeforces, HackerRank and LeetCode. Happy Coding :)
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/hasaanahmedrana/Speed-Programming
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd Speed-Programming
If you'd like to contribute to this repository, feel free to fork it, make your changes, and submit a pull request. Ensure that your contributions follow these guidelines:
- Solutions are well-documented and easy to understand.
- Code follows clean and consistent coding practices.
- 4A - Watermelon
- 1351B - Square?
- 1828A - Divisible Array
- 82A - Double Cola
- 146A - Lucky Ticket
- 299B - Ksusha the Squirrel
- 236A- Boy or Girl
- 231A - Team
- 43A - Football
- 1985C - Good Prefixes
- 119A - Epic Game
- 1742B - Increasing
- 1792A - Two Elevator
- 1721A - Image
- 137B - Permutations
- 71A - Way Too Long Words
- 731B - Coupons And Discounts
- 1985A - Creating Words
- 705A - Hulk
- 1742A - Sum
- 1304A - Two Rabbits
- 1950C - Clock Conversion
- 707A - Brain's Photos
- 1829A - Love Story
- 1759B - Lost Permutations
- 266B - Queue at the School
- 1825A - LuoTianyi and the Palindrome String
- 1829B - Blank Space
- 276A - Lunch Rush
- 45A - Codecraft III
- 977B - Two-Gram
- 1281A - Important Exam
- 44A - Indian Summer
- 653A - Bear and the Tree Balls
- 1791A - Codeforces Checking
- 1740B - Jumbo Extra Cheese 2
- 486A - Calculating Function
- 50A - Dominio Piling
- 1736A - Make A Equal to B
- 1840A - Cipher Shift
- 148A - Insomnia Cure
- 2010B - Three Brothers
- 1841A - Game with Board
- 1772A - A+B
- 1772B - Matrix Rotation
- 1754A - Technical Support
- 263A - Beautiful Matrix
- 233A - Perfect Permutation
- 1800A - Is it a Cat
- 1842A -Tenzing and Tsondu
- 1634A - Reverse and Concatenate
- 1729B - Decode Strings
- 688B - Lovely Palindromes
- 688A - Opponents
- 1952B - Is it State?
- 386A - Second-Price Auction
- 1999A - A+B Again?
- 499B - Lecture
- 1913A - Rating Increase
- 1926A - Vlad and the Best of Five
- 1950A - Stair, Peak, or Neither?
- 1950B - Upscaling
- 1932A - Thorns and Coins?
- 1930A - Maximize the Score
- 1373B - 01Game
- 1272A - Three Friends
- 1438A - Specific Tastes of Andre
- 1679A - AvtoBus
- 1883B - Chemistry
- 1257A - Two Rival Students
- 1504A - Déjà Vu
- 2000C - Numeric String Template
- 1834A - Unit Array
- 1896B - AB Flipping
- 1896A - Jagged Swaps
- 1988B - Making Majority
- 1701A - Grass Field
- 1175A - From Zero To Hero
- 25B - Phone numbers
- 1919A - Wallet Exchange
- 1032A- Kitchen Utensils
- 697A - Pineapple Incident
- 1833A - Musical Puzzle
- 1883B - Restore the Weather
- 1690B - Array Decrement
- 1859B - Olya and Game with Arrays
- 101883C - Pig Latin
- 1878C - Vasilije in Cacak
- 1882A - Increasing Sequence
- 658A - Bear and the Reverse Radewoosh
- 1878B - Aleksa and Stack
- 1878A - How Duch Does Daytona Cost?
- 208A - Dubstep
- 377A - Puzzles
- 1111A - Superhero Transformation
- 160B - Unlucky Ticket
- 131A - cAPS lOCK
- 1358B - Maria Breaks the Self-isolation
- 466A - Cheap Travel
- 1225A - Forgetting Things
- 1250F - Data Center
- 1343A - Candies
- 1490B - Balanced Remainders
- 1760A - Medium Number
- 1760B - Atilla's Favorite Problem
- 1856A - Tales of a Sort
- 1856B - Good Arrays
- 1426B - Symmetric Matrix
- 1873A - Short Sort
- 1873B - Good Kid
- 1873C - Target Practices
- 1873D - 1D Eraser
- 1138A - Sushi for Two
- 1725B - Basketball Together
- 984B - Game
- 118B - Present from Lena
- 118A - String Task
- 1163A - Eating Soup
- 2A - Winner
- 313A - Ilya And Bank Account
- 554A - Kyoya and Photobooks
- 729A -Interview with Oleg
- 1872B - The Corridor or There and Back Again
- 1872A - Two Vessels
- 1741A - Compare T-shirt Sizes
- 1612B - Special Permutation
- 1248B - Grow The Trees
- 1107A - Digits Sequence Dividing
- 672B - Different is Good
- 1216B - Shooting
- 1008A - Romaji
- 405A - Gravity Flip
- 1326B - Maximums
- 1862A - Gift Carpet
- 1866A - Ambitious Kid
- 1584C - Two Arrays
- 1150B - Tiling Challenge
- 1777A -Everybody Likes Good Arrays!
- 1791C - Prepend and Append
- 1762A - Divide and Conquer
- 1430A - Number of Apartments
- 1809A - Garland
- 1851A - Escalator Conversations
- 1851B - Parity Sort
- 1778A - Flip Flop Sum
- 69A - Young Physicist
- 58A - Chat room
- 32B - Borze
- 230A - Dragons
- 801B - Valued Keys
- 807A - Is it Rated?
- 25A - IQ test
- 1849A - Morning Sandwich
- 479A - Expression
- 556A - Case of the Zeros and Ones
- 61A - Ultra-Fast Mathematician
- 1650A - Deletion of Two Adjacent Letters
- 999B - Reversing Encryption
- 133A - HQ9+
- 1703B - ICPC Balloons
- 1468N - Waste Sorting
- 1080B - Margarite and the best present
- 1472B - Fair Division
- 1585B - Array Eversion
- 776A - A Serial Killer
- 734A - Anton and Danik
- 977A - Wrong Subtraction
- 546A - Soldier and Bananas
- 1857A - Array Coloring
- 1535A - Fair Playoff
- 116A - Tram
- 219A - k-String
- 1859A - United We Stand
- 1855A - Dalton The Teacher
- 1539B - Love Song
- 580A - Kefa and First Steps
- 266A - Stones on the Table
- 496A - Minimum Difficulty
- 59A - Word
- 1808A - Lucky Numbers
- 609A - USB Flash Drives
- 1197A - DIY Wooden Ladder
- 814A - An abandoned sentiment from past
- 1858A - Buttons
- 158A - Next Round
- 1829C - Mr. Perfectly Fine
- 281A - Word Capitalization
- 160A - Twins
- 318A - Even Odds
- 1132B - Discounts
- 1183B - Equalize Prices
- 991A - Getting an A
- 1742C - Stripes
- 1844A - Subtraction Game
- 1779B - MKnez's ConstructiveForces Task
- 1325B - CopyCopyCopyCopyCopy
- 703A - Mishka and Game
- 1. Two Sum
- 2. Add Two Numbers
- 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
- 9. Palindrome Number
- 17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
- 20. Valid Parentheses
- 36. Valid Sudoku
- 58. Length of Last Word
- 82. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II
- 83. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List
- 164. Maximum Gap
- 169. Majority Element
- 187. Repeated DNA Sequences
- 205. Isomorphic Strings
- 209. Minimum Size Subarray Sum
- 217. Contains Duplicate
- 219. Contains Duplicate II
- 242. Valid Anagram
- 268. Missing Number
- 287. Find the Duplicate Number
- 438. Find All Anagrams in a String
- 594. Longest Harmonious Subsequence
- 682. Baseball Game
- 2415. Reverse Odd Levels of Binary Tree
- 3264. Final Array State After K Multiplication Operations I