Open Bus Stride database schema, migrations and related code
- Alembic is used for migrations
- SQLAlchemy is used for the ORM
See our contributing docs if you want to suggest changes to this repository.
This is the easiest option to start development, follow these instructions:
For local development, see the additional functionality section: Develop stride-db migrations from a local clone of stride-db
It's much easier to use the Docker Compose environment, but the following can be refferd to for more details regarding the internal processes and for development using your local Python interpreter.
Create virtualenv (Python 3.8)
python3.8 -m venv venv
Install dependencies
venv/bin/python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Install the Python module
venv/bin/python -m pip install -e .
Create a .env
file with the following contents (don't change anything, it's only a local DB)
. venv/bin/activate
export SQLALCHEMY_URL=postgresql://postgres:123456@localhost
Optionally, to have all SQL statements output to the console, add the following env var:
Start a Postgresql DB by running the following from open-bus-pipelines
docker-compose up -d stride-db
Pull latest code from main branch:
git pull origin main
Run migrations to make sure your DB is up-to-date:
. .env && alembic upgrade head
First, make sure you have the latest code and DB as described above.
Pay attention to make all changes using one of the following methods:
Use this method when you want to make changes to the models under open_bus_stride_db/model
- Make the required code changes under
- Create an alembic autogenerated revision:
. .env && alembic revision --autogenerate -m "describe the change here"
- Review the autogenerated revision and modify if needed (under
) - Update DB to latest migration (e.g.
. .env && alembic upgrade head
Use this method when you want to add migrations which are not related to the DB model.
- Create a new empty alembic revision:
. .env && alembic revision -m "describe the change here"
- Edit the new revision file and add your migration code (under
) - Update DB to latest migration (e.g.
. .env && alembic upgrade head
. .env && python
>>> from open_bus_stride_db.db import Session
>>> from open_bus_stride_db.model import Route
>>> session = Session()
>>> session.query(Route).all()
>>> session.add(Route())
>>> session.query(Route).all()
[<open_bus_stride_db.model.route.Route object at 0x7f690b889a00>]
>>> session.commit()
See Alembic and SQLAlchemy docs for more details
The Docker image is used to initialize the DB
Run DB migrations:
docker build -t open_bus_stride_db . &&\
docker run --rm --network host -e SQLALCHEMY_URL open_bus_stride_db
Restore DB from local production backup (Make sure DB is empty beforehand):
docker build -t open_bus_stride_db . &&\
docker run --rm --network host \
-e PGPASSWORD=123456 \
-e HOSTNAME=localhost \
-e USER=postgres \
-e DB=postgres \
-e DB_RESTORE_FILENAME=/mnt/stride_db.sql \
-v `pwd`/.data/backup:/mnt \
Restore DB from remote production backup (Make sure DB is empty beforehand):
docker build -t open_bus_stride_db . &&\
docker run --rm --network host \
-e PGPASSWORD=123456 \
-e HOSTNAME=localhost \
-e USER=postgres \
-e DB=postgres \
-v `pwd`/.data/backup:/mnt \
The backup Docker image is used to create a DB backup which provides developers with a copy of the DB for local developmnet.
Build the DB backup image and create a local backup:
docker build -t open_bus_stride_db_backup backup &&\
docker run \
-e PGPASSWORD=123456 \
-e HOSTNAME=localhost \
-e USER=postgres \
-e DB=postgres \
-e SCHEMA=public \
-e FILENAME=/mnt/stride_db.sql.gz \
-v `pwd`/.data/backup:/mnt \
--network host \
Backup file is available at .data/backup/stride_db.sql.gz
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements-docgen.txt
sudo apt install graphviz
Generate docs
python bin/ .
Created files: