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Hash Language Specification

The Hash Language Specification is a document describing the Hash programming language.

The specification is intended as a guide for implementers of the Hash language and to coordinate design decisions between them. It is intended that the official Hash compiler hashc will be the reference implementation for this specification, and in the future the two should be kept in sync.

The Hash Language Specification text is licenced under the MIT licence agreement (as the rest of the compiler).


The Hash Language Specification uses pip-tools to manage its dependencies, which can be installed with

pip install pip-tools

Once it is installed, the list of desired dependencies which is specified in can be installed with:

pip-compile --generate-hashes

Once that is done, you're good to go!

Building the specification

This specification uses Sphinx to build a rendered version of the specification. The build script is provided to build the specification, and can simply be involved by running:


This will invoke Sphinx to build the specification in the build directory. By default, Sphinx uses an incremental build system, to build a fresh copy of the specification, use:

./ -c


During development, it is useful to have Sphinx automatically rebuild the specification when changes are made. This can be done by running:

./ -s

This will set the Sphinx to watch the specification sources and the extension sources, re-building when a change is detected. Additionally, -s mode launches a simple HTTP server on port 8000 to serve the built specification. This can be accessed by pointing a web browser at http://localhost:8000.

If you are changing the extensions, or an exception is thrown from the extension code, the server will not automatically rebuild.

To debug an issue, use --debug mode which will build the specification in a single job, it won't serve the contents, and it enables exceptions to be fully printed to the console.


If you are modifying the sources of the extensions, make sure to run the standard CI checks before submitting a pull request. This can be done by running:

black is a code formatter, and flake8 is a linter. They can both be installed via pip.

Writing the specification

To enhance the specification, this repository defines several Sphinx extensions to make writing the specification easier. These extensions are defined in the extensions directory. There are three main "extensions":

  • spec - Defines additional directives that can be used throughout the specification.
  • lints - Defines a lint pass which ensures that the contents of the specification match the expected specification style.
  • toctree - Expands the standard Sphinx toctree directive to allow for an Appendices section to be included.

This section of the document describes how to use these extensions.


The spec extension adds a couple of directives to the specification. All of the directives are only meant to be a wrapper around already existing functionality in Sphinx. The definitions directives are intended to be used to define various "terms" in the specification that can be referenced in other parts of the specification and can be searched through the Sphinx searching functionality.


The spec extension adds a couple of ways to specify "definitions" in the specification. These definitions come in three categories: terms, programmatic constructs, and syntactic categories.

Namespace Link role Definition role Styling
Terms :t:`foo` :dt:`foo` Normal text
Programmatic constructs :c:`foo` :dc:`foo` Monospace text
Syntactic categories :s:`Foo` :ds:`Foo` Monospace text

The d{c|t|s} directives are used to define the originating part of the definition, and the corresponding {c|t|s} directives can later be used to link back to the definition. An example of this is shown below:

A :dt`match` block is composed of a subject :t`expression` and a series of :t`match arms`.

Prefixes and suffixes

Sometimes writing :t:\`term\` requires a prefix or a suffix with the term. For example, pluralising the above example by adding s to the match-term can be done in the the clunky way (just like in \\LaTeX):

The :t:`match` block can specify multiple :t:`match arm`\ s in the inner block.

However, this is too clunky, therefore the directives support specifying a prefix and a suffix with the following way:

The :t:`match` block can specify multiple :t:`[match arm]s` in the inner block.

Now, anything within the [] is now treated as the actual term, and the prefix and suffix are just for display purposes.

Arbitrary labels

Furthermore, if you need to link to some definition with an entirely different label, you can do so with the following syntax:

The :t:`match` block can specify multiple :t:`match cases <match arm>` in the inner block.

Now, the second definition link will link to match arm, but it will be rendered in text as match cases. This is the markdown equivalent of [match cases](match arm) syntax.

Syntax blocks

It is intended that the specification describes the Hash language with reference to the syntax, and in fact formally state the accept grammar of the language. To make this easier, the spec extension adds a syntax directive which can be used to specify a syntax block. A syntax block has several nice features:

  • Syntax definitions become their own "Syntax definitions", and can be referenced with the :s: throughout the specification.
  • Any references within the syntax block to other rules also become links to the definition of the rule.

An example of a syntax block is shown below:

.. syntax::

    Match ::=
        $$match$$ Expression $${$$ MatchArmList $$}$$

    MatchArmList ::=
        MatchArm ($$,$$ MatchArm)* ($$,$$)?

    MatchArm ::=
        Pattern $$=>$$ Expression

    Pattern ::=
              | LitPat
              | BindPat

Literal values in the syntax block are written between $$. The $$ are not part of the literal value, and are only used to distinguish between the literal value and the rest of the syntax. The $$ are not rendered in the final specification.

Definitions, which start with an identifier and followed by a ::= with the definition, are treated as syntax definitions. These definitions become declarations of the syntax definition, and can be referenced with the :s: role. For example, the Match syntax definition can be referenced with :s:`Match`.

The right hand side of the syntax definition is parsed as a series of tokens, identifiers are treated as references to other syntax definitions, and are rendered as links to the definition. For example, the MatchArmList syntax definition references the MatchArm syntax definition, and it is rendered as a link to the definition.


Each paragraph in the specification is required to have an id attribute. This is used to link to the paragraph from other parts of the specification. The spec extension adds a dp and p directives. dp is used to define the start of a paragraph, and p is used to reference a paragraph by its id. For example:

:dp:`hash_foo` This is a paragraph.

:dp:`hash_bar` Later in the file, we can reference :p:`hash_foo`.

The dp directive id must be specified with an id which begins with hash_, and with some random string after it. This is to ensure that the id is unique, and that it doesn't conflict with any other ids in the specification. It is intended that IDs remain stable across specification versions to ensure that links to the specification don't break.

Random IDs can be generated with the provided tool tools/ This tool will generate a random ID, and print it to the console. This ID can then be used in the specification.


Currently, the lints are very basic. The main pass is require_paragraph_ids which will verify that all of the items in a document contain the id attribute, and that the id attribute is a valid identifier. If a page shouldn't specify ids, i.e. the index page, then it can be configured to be ignored by adding the name of the page to the lint_no_paragraph_ids option:

-lint_no_paragraph_ids = ["index"]
+lint_no_paragraph_ids = ["index", "my_page_name"]

If the item is added to the option, then the linter will check that the page doesn't specify any IDs on sections, and paragraphs.


This extension performs a single function, it introduces an appendices directive, which can be specified after a toctree, and it will include all of pages under it as the standard appendices section (like in \\LaTeX).

To use it, simply write the appendices after toctree:

.. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2


.. appendices::



The Hash Programming Language Formal Specification







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