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add usage of acceptance test suite to contributing guide for debugging (
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* add usage of acceptance test suite to contributing guide for debugging
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kschoche authored and david-yu committed Feb 14, 2023
1 parent 6ea65a4 commit 7254fac
Showing 1 changed file with 193 additions and 1 deletion.
194 changes: 193 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
1. [Running the tests](#running-the-tests)
1. [Writing Unit tests](#writing-unit-tests)
1. [Writing Acceptance tests](#writing-acceptance-tests)
1. [Using the Acceptance Test Framework to Debug](#using-acceptance-test-framework-to-debug)
1. [Helm Reference Docs](#helm-reference-docs)

## Contributing 101

### Building and running `consul-k8s-control-plane`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -940,6 +940,198 @@ Here are some things to consider before adding a test:


## Using Acceptance Test Framework to Debug
### Acceptance Tests

The [consul-k8s]( repository has an extensive list of [acceptance](
tests that are used by CI to run per-PR and nightly acceptance tests.
It is built on its own framework that uses Helm and the consul-k8s CLI to deploy consul (and other tools) in various
configurations that provide test coverage for most features that exist and provides coverage for more advanced deployments
than are typically covered in guides.
Importantly, it is **automated**, so you are able to rapidly deploy known working
configurations in known working environments.
It can be very helpful for bootstrapping complex environments such as when using Vault as a CA for Consul or for federating test clusters.

The tests are organized like this :
demo $ tree -L 1 -d acceptance/tests
├── basic
├── cli
├── config-entries
├── connect
├── consul-dns
├── example
├── fixtures
├── ingress-gateway
├── metrics
├── partitions
├── peering
├── snapshot-agent
├── sync
├── terminating-gateway
├── vault
└── wan-federation

### Basic Running of Tests
Any given test can be run either through GoLand or another IDE, or via command line using `go test -run`.

To run all of the connect tests from command line:
$ cd acceptance/test
$ go test ./connect/... -p 1 -timeout 2h -failfast -use-kind -no-cleanup-on-failure -kubecontext=kind-dc1 -secondary-kubecontext=kind-dc2 -enable-enterprise -enable-multi-cluster -debug-directory=/tmp/debug -consul-k8s-image=kyleschochenmaier/consul-k8s-acls

When running from command line a few things are important:
* Some tests use Enterprise features, in which case you need:
* Set environment variables `CONSUL_ENT_LICENSE` and possibly `VAULT_LICENSE`.
* Use `-enable-enterprise` on command line when running the test.
* Multi-cluster tests require `-enable-multi-cluster` + `-kubecontext=<kind-dc1>` + `-secondary-kubecontext=<kind-dc2>`
* Using `./<test-directory>/...` is required as part of the command-line to pick up necessary environmental config.

### Using the framework to debug in an environment
=> NOTE: It is helpful to tune the docker desktop resource settings so that docker has at least 4GB memory, plenty of cpu cores and 2GB of swap.

* If using Kind, `-use-kind` should be added, and be sure you cluster is up and running:
$ kind create cluster --name=dc1 && kind create cluster --name=dc2
* Pick a test which replicates the environment you are wanting to work with.
Ex: pick a test from `partitions/` or `vault/` or `connect/`.
* If you need the environment to persist, add a `time.Sleep(1*time.Hour)` to the end of the test in the test file.
* Use the following flags if you need to use or test out a specific consul/k8s image:
`-consul-k8s-image=<your-custom-image>` && `-consul-image=<your-custom-image>`
* You can set custom helm flags by modifying the test file directly in the respective directory.

Finally, run the test like shown above:
$ cd acceptance/tests
$ go test -run Vault_WANFederationViaGateways ./vault/... -p 1 -timeout 2h -failfast -use-kind -no-cleanup-on-failure -kubecontext=kind-dc1 -secondary-kubecontext=kind-dc2 -enable-multi-cluster -debug-directory=/tmp/debug
You can interact with the running kubernetes clusters now using `kubectl [COMMAND] --context=<kind-dc1/kind-dc2>`

* `kind delete clusters --all` is helpful for cleanup!

### Example Debugging session using the acceptance test framework to bootstrap and debug a Vault backed federated Consul installation:
This test utilizes the `consul-k8s` acceptance test framework, with a custom consul-k8s branch which:
* Modifies the acceptance test to use custom consul+consul-k8s images and sleeps at the end of the test to allow analysis.
* Modifies the helm chart to pass in `connect_ca.intermediate_cert_ttl` and `connect_ca.leaf_cert_ttl` in the `server-configmap`

1. First clone the consul-k8s repo and then check out the branch locally: `git checkout origin/consul-vault-provider-wanfed-acceptance`.
2. Start the kind clusters: `kind create cluster --name=dc1 && kind create cluster --name=dc2`
3. run the `TestVault_WANFederationViaGateways` acceptance test in `acceptance/tests/vault/vault_wan_fed_test.go` - I use goland, but this command should get you most of the way:
$ cd acceptance/tests
$ go test -run Vault_WANFederationViaGateways ./vault/... -p 1 -timeout 2h -failfast -use-kind -no-cleanup-on-failure -kubecontext=kind-dc1 -secondary-kubecontext=kind-dc2 -enable-multi-cluster -debug-directory=/tmp/debug
NOTE: This specific acceptance test is considered FLAKY with Kind, if things don't come up it's best to run against GKE/AKS/etc, in which case you just modify the `kubecontext` command parameters to point to your clusters. It is worth noting that you will need to setup any necessary networking for non-Kind clusters manually.

NOTE: This test requires a VAULT_LICENSE set as an environment variable in the shell where you run `go test`

4. Wait 10-20 minutes to allow the first intermediate ca renewal, this test is particularly resource intensive so it can take time for everything to come online on a laptop, use `kubectl get pods` to validate that `static-server` and `static-client` have been deployed and are online.

You can validate the ICA rotation by doing:
# Fetch the vault root token:
$ kubectl get secrets <vault-release-name>-root-token -o json //----> b64 decode the `data.token` field.
$ kubectl exec -it <vault-server> -- sh
$ export VAULT_TOKEN=<from above>
$ export VAULT_ADDR=https://<vault-release-name>-vault:8200

# Fetch the consul bootstrap token
$ vault kv get consul/secret/bootstrap

# Examine the vault issuers, there should be 2 by now if ICA renewal has occured:
# NOTE: for a federated setup the issuers url for dc2 is `vault list dc2/connect_inter/issuers`!
$ vault list dc1/connect_inter/issuers


# Now login to the consul-server
$ kubectl exec -it <consul-server> -- sh
$ export CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN=<bootstrap token from above>
$ export CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR=https://localhost:8501

# Read the `connect/ca/roots` endpoint:
# It should change + rotate with the expiration of the ICA (defined by `intermediate_cert_ttl` which is `15m` in the branch for this gist.

$ curl -k --header "X-Consul-Token: 1428da53-5e88-db1a-6ad5-e50212b011da" | jq
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 3113 100 3113 0 0 6222 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 7705
"ActiveRootID": "36:be:19:0e:56:d1:c2:1a:d8:54:22:97:88:3c:91:17:1d:d2:d3:e0",
"TrustDomain": "34a76791-b9b2-b93e-b0e4-1989ed11a28e.consul",
"Roots": [
"ID": "36:be:19:0e:56:d1:c2:1a:d8:54:22:97:88:3c:91:17:1d:d2:d3:e0",
"Name": "Vault CA Primary Cert",
"SerialNumber": 15998414315735550000,
"SigningKeyID": "fe:b9:d6:0b:c6:ce:2c:25:4f:d8:59:cb:11:ea:a5:42:5f:8e:41:4b",
"ExternalTrustDomain": "34a76791-b9b2-b93e-b0e4-1989ed11a28e",
"NotBefore": "2022-11-16T20:16:15Z",
"NotAfter": "2032-11-13T20:16:45Z",
"IntermediateCerts": [
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nANWHWt1fe8Hl1wQ55qxsV5lSfOpGAox5WHpgnsBC7cwU\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
"Active": true,
"PrivateKeyType": "ec",
"PrivateKeyBits": 256,
"CreateIndex": 11,
"ModifyIndex": 797

# You can x509 decode the ICA certs to verify they have been updated and have correct expiry:
$ openssl x509 -in cert.crt -text -noout
Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number:
Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256
Not Before: Nov 16 20:40:16 2022 GMT
Not After : Nov 16 20:55:46 2022 GMT
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
Public-Key: (256 bit)
ASN1 OID: prime256v1
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Key Usage: critical
Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:

X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:, URI:spiffe://34a76791-b9b2-b93e-b0e4-1989ed11a28e.consul


## Helm Reference Docs

The Helm reference docs ( are automatically
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