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Merge pull request #363 from Infinisil/freeVars
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More precise freeVars
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jwiegley authored Sep 13, 2018
2 parents bb26529 + f189b69 commit ecc8443
Showing 1 changed file with 51 additions and 8 deletions.
59 changes: 51 additions & 8 deletions src/Nix/TH.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,11 +9,12 @@
module Nix.TH where

import Data.Fix
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Generics.Aliases
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set (Set, (\\))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Nix.Atoms
Expand All @@ -22,22 +23,64 @@ import Nix.Parser

quoteExprExp :: String -> ExpQ
quoteExprExp s = do
expr <- case parseNixTextLoc (Text.pack s) of
expr <- case parseNixText (Text.pack s) of
Failure err -> fail $ show err
Success e -> return e
dataToExpQ (const Nothing `extQ` metaExp (freeVars expr)) expr

quoteExprPat :: String -> PatQ
quoteExprPat s = do
expr <- case parseNixTextLoc (Text.pack s) of
expr <- case parseNixText (Text.pack s) of
Failure err -> fail $ show err
Success e -> return e
dataToPatQ (const Nothing `extQ` metaPat (freeVars expr)) expr

freeVars :: NExprLoc -> Set VarName
freeVars = cata $ \case
NSym_ _ var -> Set.singleton var
Compose (Ann _ x) -> fold x
freeVars :: NExpr -> Set VarName
freeVars e = case unFix e of
(NConstant _) -> Set.empty
(NStr string) -> foldMap freeVars string
(NSym var) -> Set.singleton var
(NList list) -> foldMap freeVars list
(NSet bindings) -> foldMap bindFree bindings
(NRecSet bindings) -> foldMap bindFree bindings \\ foldMap bindDefs bindings
(NLiteralPath _) -> Set.empty
(NEnvPath _) -> Set.empty
(NUnary _ expr) -> freeVars expr
(NBinary _ left right) -> freeVars left `Set.union` freeVars right
(NSelect expr path orExpr) -> freeVars expr `Set.union` pathFree path `Set.union` maybe Set.empty freeVars orExpr
(NHasAttr expr path) -> freeVars expr `Set.union` pathFree path
(NAbs (Param varname) expr) -> Set.delete varname (freeVars expr)
(NAbs (ParamSet set _ varname) expr) ->
-- Include all free variables from the expression and the default arguments
freeVars expr `Set.union` Set.unions (mapMaybe (fmap freeVars . snd) set)
-- But remove the argument name if existing, and all arguments in the parameter set
\\ maybe Set.empty Set.singleton varname \\ Set.fromList (map fst set)
(NLet bindings expr) -> freeVars expr `Set.union` foldMap bindFree bindings \\ foldMap bindDefs bindings
(NIf cond th el) -> freeVars cond `Set.union` freeVars th `Set.union` freeVars el
-- Evaluation is needed to find out whether x is a "real" free variable in `with y; x`, we just include it
-- This also makes sense because its value can be overridden by `x: with y; x`
(NWith set expr) -> freeVars set `Set.union` freeVars expr
(NAssert assertion expr) -> freeVars assertion `Set.union` freeVars expr


staticKey :: NKeyName r -> Maybe VarName
staticKey (StaticKey varname) = Just varname
staticKey (DynamicKey _) = Nothing

bindDefs :: Binding r -> Set VarName
bindDefs (Inherit _ keys _) = Set.fromList $ mapMaybe staticKey keys
bindDefs (NamedVar (StaticKey varname :| _) _ _) = Set.singleton varname
bindDefs (NamedVar (DynamicKey _ :| _) _ _) = Set.empty

bindFree :: Binding NExpr -> Set VarName
bindFree (Inherit Nothing keys _) = Set.fromList $ mapMaybe staticKey keys
bindFree (Inherit (Just scope) _ _) = freeVars scope
bindFree (NamedVar path expr _) = pathFree path `Set.union` freeVars expr

pathFree :: NAttrPath NExpr -> Set VarName
pathFree = foldMap (foldMap freeVars)

class ToExpr a where
toExpr :: a -> NExprLoc
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