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Add sum encoding TaggedFlatObject #828

wants to merge 15 commits into
base: master
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31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions flake.nix
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
inputs.nixpkgs.url = github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable;
inputs.flake-utils.url = github:poscat0x04/flake-utils;

outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, ... }: with flake-utils;
eachDefaultSystem (
pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; overlays = [ self.overlay ]; };
with pkgs;
devShell = aeson-dev.envFunc { withHoogle = true; };
defaultPackage = aeson;
) // {
overlay = self: super:
hpkgs = super.haskellPackages;
aeson = hpkgs.callCabal2nix "aeson" ./. {};
with super; with haskell.lib;
inherit aeson;
aeson-dev = addBuildTools aeson [
124 changes: 121 additions & 3 deletions src/Data/Aeson/TH.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -421,6 +421,7 @@ sumToValue target opts multiCons nullary conName value pairs
content = pairs contentsFieldName
in fromPairsE $
if nullary then tag else infixApp tag [|(Monoid.<>)|] content
TaggedFlatObject {} -> error "TaggedFlatObject: Should be handled already"
ObjectWithSingleField ->
objectE [(conString opts conName, value)]
UntaggedValue | nullary -> conStr target opts conName
Expand All @@ -434,7 +435,21 @@ argsToValue :: ToJSONFun -> JSONClass -> TyVarMap -> Options -> Bool -> Construc
argsToValue target jc tvMap opts multiCons
ConstructorInfo { constructorName = conName
, constructorVariant = NormalConstructor
, constructorFields = argTys } = do
, constructorFields = argTys }
| TaggedFlatObject{tagFieldName} <- sumEncoding opts
, multiCons = do
let tag = (tagFieldName, conStr target opts conName)
argTys' <- mapM resolveTypeSynonyms argTys
let len = length argTys'
args <- newNameList "arg" len
let os = zipWith (\arg argTy -> dispatchToJSON target jc conName tvMap argTy `appE` varE arg) args argTys'
pairs = zip (fmap (show :: Int -> String) [0..]) os
obj = objectE (tag : pairs)
match (conP conName $ map varP args)
(normalB obj)
| otherwise =
argTys' <- mapM resolveTypeSynonyms argTys
let len = length argTys'
args <- newNameList "arg" len
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -491,14 +506,33 @@ argsToValue target jc tvMap opts multiCons
else e arg

match (conP conName $ map varP args)
(normalB $ recordSumToValue target opts multiCons (null argTys) conName pairs)
(normalB $ case () of
| TaggedFlatObject {tagFieldName} <- sumEncoding opts -> do
let tag = pairE tagFieldName (conStr target opts conName)
fromPairsE $ infixApp tag [|(Monoid.<>)|] pairs
| otherwise -> recordSumToValue target opts multiCons (null argTys) conName pairs)

-- Infix constructors.
argsToValue target jc tvMap opts multiCons
ConstructorInfo { constructorName = conName
, constructorVariant = InfixConstructor
, constructorFields = argTys } = do
, constructorFields = argTys }
| TaggedFlatObject {tagFieldName} <- sumEncoding opts
, multiCons = do
[alTy, arTy] <- mapM resolveTypeSynonyms argTys
al <- newName "argL"
ar <- newName "argR"
let tag = (tagFieldName, conStr target opts conName)
os = zipWith (\arg argTy -> dispatchToJSON target jc conName tvMap argTy `appE` varE arg) [al, ar] [alTy, arTy]
pairs = zip (fmap (show :: Int -> String) [0..]) os
obj = objectE (tag : pairs)
match (infixP (varP al) conName (varP ar))
(normalB obj)
| otherwise =
[alTy, arTy] <- mapM resolveTypeSynonyms argTys
al <- newName "argL"
ar <- newName "argR"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -729,6 +763,8 @@ consFromJSON jc tName opts instTys cons = do
case sumEncoding opts of
TaggedObject {tagFieldName, contentsFieldName} ->
parseObject $ parseTaggedObject tvMap tagFieldName contentsFieldName
TaggedFlatObject {tagFieldName} ->
parseObject $ parseTaggedFlatObject tvMap tagFieldName
UntaggedValue -> error "UntaggedValue: Should be handled already"
ObjectWithSingleField ->
parseObject $ parseObjectWithSingleField tvMap
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -779,6 +815,88 @@ consFromJSON jc tName opts instTys cons = do
, noBindS $ parseContents tvMap conKey (Left (valFieldName, obj)) 'conNotFoundFailTaggedObject

parseTaggedFlatObject tvMap tagFieldName obj = do
conKey <- newName "conKey"
doE [ bindS (varP conKey)
(infixApp (varE obj) [|(.:)|] ([|T.pack|] `appE` stringE tagFieldName))
, noBindS $
caseE (varE conKey)
[ match wildP
( guardedB $
[ do g <- normalG $ infixApp (varE conKey)
([|T.pack|] `appE`
conNameExp opts con)
argTys <- mapM resolveTypeSynonyms (constructorFields con)
let conName = constructorName con
e <- case constructorVariant con of
RecordConstructor fields ->
parseRecord jc tvMap argTys opts tName conName fields obj False
_ ->
parseNumRec tvMap argTys conName obj
return (g, e)
| con <- cons
[ liftM2 (,)
(normalG [e|otherwise|])
( varE 'conNotFoundFailTaggedObject
`appE` litE (stringL $ show tName)
`appE` listE (map ( litE
. stringL
. constructorTagModifier opts
. nameBase
. constructorName
) cons
`appE` ([|T.unpack|] `appE` varE conKey)

parseNumRec :: TyVarMap
-> [Type]
-> Name
-> Name
-> ExpQ
parseNumRec tvMap argTys conName obj =
(if rejectUnknownFields opts
then infixApp checkUnknownRecords [|(>>)|]
else id) $
if null argTys
then [|pure|] `appE` conE conName
foldl' (\a b -> infixApp a [|(<*>)|] b)
(infixApp (conE conName) [|(<$>)|] x)
fields = map (show :: Int -> String) $ take (length argTys) [0..]
knownFields = appE [|H.fromList|] $ listE $
map (\knownName -> tupE [appE [|T.pack|] $ litE $ stringL knownName, [|()|]]) fields
checkUnknownRecords =
caseE (appE [|H.keys|] $ infixApp (varE obj) [|H.difference|] knownFields)
[ match (listP []) (normalB [|return ()|]) []
, newName "unknownFields" >>=
\unknownFields -> match (varP unknownFields)
(normalB $ appE [|fail|] $ infixApp
(litE (stringL "Unknown fields: "))
(appE [|show|] (varE unknownFields)))
x:xs = [ [|lookupField|]
`appE` dispatchParseJSON jc conName tvMap argTy
`appE` litE (stringL $ show tName)
`appE` litE (stringL $ constructorTagModifier opts $ nameBase conName)
`appE` varE obj
`appE` ( [|T.pack|] `appE` stringE field
| (field, argTy) <- zip fields argTys

parseUntaggedValue tvMap cons' conVal =
foldr1 (\e e' -> infixApp e [|(<|>)|] e')
(map (\x -> parseValue tvMap x conVal) cons')
Expand Down
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions src/Data/Aeson/Types/FromJSON.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,6 +159,7 @@ import qualified Data.Primitive.Types as PM
import qualified Data.Primitive.PrimArray as PM

import Data.Coerce (Coercible, coerce)
import GHC.TypeLits

parseIndexedJSON :: (Value -> Parser a) -> Int -> Value -> Parser a
parseIndexedJSON p idx value = p value <?> Index idx
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1010,6 +1012,7 @@ instance ( ConstructorNames f
, FromPair arity f
, FromTaggedObject arity f
, FromUntaggedValue arity f
, FromTaggedFlatObject arity f
) => ParseSum arity f True where
parseSum p@(tname :* opts :* _)
| allNullaryToStringTag opts = Tagged . parseAllNullarySum tname opts
Expand All @@ -1019,6 +1022,7 @@ instance ( ConstructorNames f
, FromPair arity f
, FromTaggedObject arity f
, FromUntaggedValue arity f
, FromTaggedFlatObject arity f
) => ParseSum arity f False where
parseSum p = Tagged . parseNonAllNullarySum p

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1101,6 +1105,7 @@ parseNonAllNullarySum :: forall f c arity.
( FromPair arity f
, FromTaggedObject arity f
, FromUntaggedValue arity f
, FromTaggedFlatObject arity f
, ConstructorNames f
) => TypeName :* Options :* FromArgs arity c
-> Value -> Parser (f c)
Expand All @@ -1118,6 +1123,17 @@ parseNonAllNullarySum p@(tname :* opts :* _) =
", but found tag " ++ show tag
cnames_ = unTagged2 (constructorTags (constructorTagModifier opts) :: Tagged2 f [String])

TaggedFlatObject{..} ->
withObject tname $ \obj -> do
let tagKey = pack tagFieldName
badTag tag = failWith_ $ \cnames ->
"expected tag field to be one of " ++ show cnames ++
", but found tag " ++ show tag
cnames_ = unTagged2 (constructorTags (constructorTagModifier opts) :: Tagged2 f [String])
tag <- contextType tname . contextTag tagKey cnames_ $ obj .: tagKey
fromMaybe (badTag tag <?> Key tagKey) $
parseTaggedFlatObject (tag :* p) obj

ObjectWithSingleField ->
withObject tname $ \obj -> case H.toList obj of
[(tag, v)] -> maybe (badTag tag) (<?> Key tag) $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1401,6 +1417,66 @@ instance ( Constructor c


class FromTaggedFlatObject arity f where
parseTaggedFlatObject :: Text :* TypeName :* Options :* FromArgs arity a
-> Object
-> Maybe (Parser (f a))

instance ( FromTaggedFlatObject arity f
, FromTaggedFlatObject arity g
) => FromTaggedFlatObject arity (f :+: g) where
parseTaggedFlatObject p obj =
(fmap L1 <$> parseTaggedFlatObject p obj) <|>
(fmap R1 <$> parseTaggedFlatObject p obj)

instance ( IsRecord f isRecord
, FromTaggedFlatObject' arity f isRecord
, Constructor c
) => FromTaggedFlatObject arity (C1 c f) where
parseTaggedFlatObject :: Text :* TypeName :* Options :* FromArgs arity a
-> Object
-> Maybe (Parser (C1 c f a))
parseTaggedFlatObject (tag :* p@(_ :* opts :* _)) obj
| tag == tag' = Just $ fmap M1 $ (unTagged :: Tagged isRecord (Parser (f a)) -> Parser (f a)) $ parseTaggedFlatObject' (cname :* p) obj
| otherwise = Nothing
tag' = pack $ constructorTagModifier opts cname
cname = conName (undefined :: M1 i c f p)

class FromTaggedFlatObject' arity f isRecord where
parseTaggedFlatObject' :: ConName :* TypeName :* Options :* FromArgs arity a
-> Object
-> Tagged isRecord (Parser (f a))

instance (RecordFromJSON arity f, FieldNames f) => FromTaggedFlatObject' arity f True where
parseTaggedFlatObject' p = Tagged . recordParseJSON (True :* p)

instance FromTaggedFlatObject' arity U1 False where
parseTaggedFlatObject' _ _ = Tagged (pure U1)

instance OVERLAPPABLE_ PositionFromObject 0 arity f => FromTaggedFlatObject' arity f False where
parseTaggedFlatObject' (_ :* p) obj = Tagged (positionFromObject (Proxy :: Proxy 0) p obj)

class KnownNat n => PositionFromObject n arity f where
positionFromObject :: Proxy n
-> TypeName :* Options :* FromArgs arity a
-> Object
-> Parser (f a)

instance (KnownNat n, GFromJSON arity a) => PositionFromObject n arity (S1 m a) where
positionFromObject _ (_ :* opts :* fargs) obj =
explicitParseField (gParseJSON opts fargs) obj $ pack $ show $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)

instance ( PositionFromObject n arity f
, PositionFromObject (n+1) arity g
) => PositionFromObject n arity (f :*: g) where
positionFromObject _ p obj =
<$> positionFromObject (Proxy :: Proxy n) p obj
<*> positionFromObject (Proxy :: Proxy (n+1)) p obj


class FromUntaggedValue arity f where
parseUntaggedValue :: TypeName :* Options :* FromArgs arity a
-> Value
Expand Down
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions src/Data/Aeson/Types/Internal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -682,6 +682,39 @@ data SumEncoding =
-- by the encoded value of that field! If the constructor is not a
-- record the encoded constructor contents will be stored under
-- the 'contentsFieldName' field.
| TaggedFlatObject { tagFieldName :: String }
-- ^ Conceptually, this option will allow data types to be encoded to an object
-- with an additional field 'tagFieldName' which specifies the constructor tag.
-- This option differs from 'TaggedObject' in that the fields are encoded
-- in the same object as the tag, instead of in another object under the
-- field @contentsFieldName@.
-- The detailed behavior is as follows:
-- 1. If the data type has only a single constructor and has field names
-- (a record), it will be encoded as an object without any additional fields.
-- For example, given @A@ defined as
-- @data A = A {field1 :: Int, field2 :: Int}@,
-- this option will encode @A 1 2@ as @{"field1": 1, "field2": 2}@
-- 2. If the data type has only a single constructor but does not have any fields,
-- it will be encoded as an array.
-- For example, given @A@ defined as
-- @data A = A Int Int@,
-- this option will encode @A 1 2@ as @[1, 2]@
-- 3. If the data type has multiple constructors and the constructor has field names,
-- it will be encoded as an object with an additional field '$tagFieldName'.
-- For example, given @A@ defined as
-- @data A = A {field1 :: Int, field2 :: Int} | B@,
-- this option will encode @A 1 2@ as @{"field1": 1, "field2": 2, "$tagFieldName": \"A"}@
-- 4. If the data type has multiple constructors and the constructor does not have
-- any feild names, it will be encoded as an object whose keys are the position of the value
-- in that data type with an additional field '$tagFieldName'.
-- For example, given @A@ defined as
-- @data A = A Int Int | B@,
-- this option will encode @A 1 2@ as @{"0": 1, "1": 2, "$tagFieldName": \"A"}@
-- 5. The behavior is undefined when the '$tagFieldName' collides with another field name and should
-- not be relied upon. It may or may not overwite the field.
-- It may or may not throw an runtime exception. It may or may not raise an compile time error.
| UntaggedValue
-- ^ Constructor names won't be encoded. Instead only the contents of the
-- constructor will be encoded as if the type had a single constructor. JSON
Expand Down