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Allow specify index-state per repository #6597

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Mar 21, 2020
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19 changes: 10 additions & 9 deletions cabal-install/Distribution/Client/CmdFreeze.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning
import Distribution.Client.ProjectConfig
( ProjectConfig(..), ProjectConfigShared(..)
, writeProjectLocalFreezeConfig )
import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils (TotalIndexState)
import Distribution.Client.Targets
( UserQualifier(..), UserConstraintScope(..), UserConstraint(..) )
import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackageConstraint
Expand All @@ -34,12 +35,12 @@ import Distribution.Client.Setup
( GlobalFlags, ConfigFlags(..), ConfigExFlags, InstallFlags )
import Distribution.Simple.Setup
( HaddockFlags, TestFlags, BenchmarkFlags, fromFlagOrDefault )
import Distribution.Simple.Flag (Flag (..))
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
( die', notice, wrapText )
import Distribution.Verbosity
( normal )

import Data.Monoid as Monoid
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import Control.Monad (unless)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,13 +120,13 @@ freezeAction ( configFlags, configExFlags, installFlags
} <- establishProjectBaseContext verbosity cliConfig OtherCommand

(_, elaboratedPlan, _) <-
(_, elaboratedPlan, _, totalIndexState) <-
rebuildInstallPlan verbosity
distDirLayout cabalDirLayout

let freezeConfig = projectFreezeConfig elaboratedPlan
let freezeConfig = projectFreezeConfig elaboratedPlan totalIndexState
writeProjectLocalFreezeConfig distDirLayout freezeConfig
notice verbosity $
"Wrote freeze file: " ++ distProjectFile distDirLayout "freeze"
Expand All @@ -143,13 +144,13 @@ freezeAction ( configFlags, configExFlags, installFlags
-- | Given the install plan, produce a config value with constraints that
-- freezes the versions of packages used in the plan.
projectFreezeConfig :: ElaboratedInstallPlan -> ProjectConfig
projectFreezeConfig elaboratedPlan =
Monoid.mempty {
projectConfigShared = Monoid.mempty {
projectConfigConstraints =
projectFreezeConfig :: ElaboratedInstallPlan -> TotalIndexState -> ProjectConfig
projectFreezeConfig elaboratedPlan totalIndexState = mempty
{ projectConfigShared = mempty
{ projectConfigConstraints =
concat (Map.elems (projectFreezeConstraints elaboratedPlan))
, projectConfigIndexState = Flag totalIndexState

-- | Given the install plan, produce solver constraints that will ensure the
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions cabal-install/Distribution/Client/CmdUpdate.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ updateCommand = Client.installCommand {

data UpdateRequest = UpdateRequest
{ _updateRequestRepoName :: RepoName
, _updateRequestRepoState :: IndexState
, _updateRequestRepoState :: RepoIndexState
} deriving (Show)

instance Pretty UpdateRequest where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ updateAction ( configFlags, configExFlags, installFlags
++ "\" can not be found in known remote repo(s): "
++ intercalate ", " (map unRepoName remoteRepoNames)

let reposToUpdate :: [(Repo, IndexState)]
let reposToUpdate :: [(Repo, RepoIndexState)]
reposToUpdate = case updateRepoRequests of
-- If we are not given any specific repository, update all
-- repositories to HEAD.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ updateAction ( configFlags, configExFlags, installFlags
haddockFlags testFlags benchmarkFlags
globalConfigFlag = projectConfigConfigFile (projectConfigShared cliConfig)

updateRepo :: Verbosity -> UpdateFlags -> RepoContext -> (Repo, IndexState)
updateRepo :: Verbosity -> UpdateFlags -> RepoContext -> (Repo, RepoIndexState)
-> IO ()
updateRepo verbosity _updateFlags repoCtxt (repo, indexState) = do
transport <- repoContextGetTransport repoCtxt
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Get.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ import Distribution.Client.VCS
import Distribution.Client.FetchUtils
import qualified Distribution.Client.Tar as Tar (extractTarGzFile)
import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils as IndexUtils
( getSourcePackagesAtIndexState )
( getSourcePackagesAtIndexState, TotalIndexState )
import Distribution.Solver.Types.SourcePackage

import Control.Exception
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,9 +86,10 @@ get verbosity repoCtxt globalFlags getFlags userTargets = do
unless useSourceRepo $
mapM_ (checkTarget verbosity) userTargets

let idxState = flagToMaybe $ getIndexState getFlags
let idxState :: Maybe TotalIndexState
idxState = flagToMaybe $ getIndexState getFlags

sourcePkgDb <- getSourcePackagesAtIndexState verbosity repoCtxt idxState
(sourcePkgDb, _) <- getSourcePackagesAtIndexState verbosity repoCtxt idxState

pkgSpecifiers <- resolveUserTargets verbosity repoCtxt
(fromFlag $ globalWorldFile globalFlags)
Expand Down
91 changes: 61 additions & 30 deletions cabal-install/Distribution/Client/IndexUtils.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ module Distribution.Client.IndexUtils (


RepoIndexState (..),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ emptyStateInfo = IndexStateInfo nullTimestamp nullTimestamp
-- resulting index cache.
-- Note: 'filterCache' is idempotent in the 'Cache' value
filterCache :: IndexState -> Cache -> (Cache, IndexStateInfo)
filterCache :: RepoIndexState -> Cache -> (Cache, IndexStateInfo)
filterCache IndexStateHead cache = (cache, IndexStateInfo{..})
isiMaxTime = cacheHeadTs cache
Expand All @@ -198,45 +199,52 @@ filterCache (IndexStateTime ts0) cache0 = (cache, IndexStateInfo{..})
-- This is a higher level wrapper used internally in cabal-install.
getSourcePackages :: Verbosity -> RepoContext -> IO SourcePackageDb
getSourcePackages verbosity repoCtxt =
getSourcePackagesAtIndexState verbosity repoCtxt Nothing
fst <$> getSourcePackagesAtIndexState verbosity repoCtxt Nothing

-- | Variant of 'getSourcePackages' which allows getting the source
-- packages at a particular 'IndexState'.
-- Current choices are either the latest (aka HEAD), or the index as
-- it was at a particular time.
-- TODO: Enhance to allow specifying per-repo 'IndexState's and also
-- report back per-repo 'IndexStateInfo's (in order for @v2-freeze@
-- to access it)
getSourcePackagesAtIndexState :: Verbosity -> RepoContext -> Maybe IndexState
-> IO SourcePackageDb
-- Returns also the total index where repositories'
-- RepoIndexState's are not HEAD. This is used in v2-freeze.
:: Verbosity
-> RepoContext
-> Maybe TotalIndexState
-> IO (SourcePackageDb, TotalIndexState)
getSourcePackagesAtIndexState verbosity repoCtxt _
| null (repoContextRepos repoCtxt) = do
-- In the test suite, we routinely don't have any remote package
-- servers, so don't bleat about it
warn (verboseUnmarkOutput verbosity) $
"No remote package servers have been specified. Usually " ++
"you would have one specified in the config file."
return SourcePackageDb {
return (SourcePackageDb {
packageIndex = mempty,
packagePreferences = mempty
}, headTotalIndexState)
getSourcePackagesAtIndexState verbosity repoCtxt mb_idxState = do
let describeState IndexStateHead = "most recent state"
describeState (IndexStateTime time) = "historical state as of " ++ prettyShow time

pkgss <- forM (repoContextRepos repoCtxt) $ \r -> do
let rname = case r of
RepoRemote remote _ -> unRepoName $ remoteRepoName remote
RepoSecure remote _ -> unRepoName $ remoteRepoName remote
RepoLocalNoIndex local _ -> unRepoName $ localRepoName local
RepoLocal _ -> ""
let mrname :: Maybe RepoName
mrname = case r of
RepoRemote remote _ -> Just $ remoteRepoName remote
RepoSecure remote _ -> Just $ remoteRepoName remote
RepoLocalNoIndex local _ -> Just $ localRepoName local
RepoLocal _ -> Nothing

info verbosity ("Reading available packages of " ++ rname ++ "...")
let rname = fromMaybe (RepoName "__local-repository") mrname

info verbosity ("Reading available packages of " ++ unRepoName rname ++ "...")

idxState <- case mb_idxState of
Just idxState -> do
Just totalIdxState -> do
let idxState = lookupIndexState rname totalIdxState
info verbosity $ "Using " ++ describeState idxState ++
" as explicitly requested (via command line / project configuration)"
return idxState
Expand All @@ -255,7 +263,7 @@ getSourcePackagesAtIndexState verbosity repoCtxt mb_idxState = do
case r of
RepoLocal path -> warn verbosity ("index-state ignored for old-format repositories (local repository '" ++ path ++ "')")
RepoLocalNoIndex {} -> warn verbosity "index-state ignored for file+noindex repositories"
RepoRemote {} -> warn verbosity ("index-state ignored for old-format (remote repository '" ++ rname ++ "')")
RepoRemote {} -> warn verbosity ("index-state ignored for old-format (remote repository '" ++ unRepoName rname ++ "')")
RepoSecure {} -> pure ()

let idxState' = case r of
Expand All @@ -266,36 +274,59 @@ getSourcePackagesAtIndexState verbosity repoCtxt mb_idxState = do

case idxState' of
IndexStateHead -> do
info verbosity ("index-state("++rname++") = " ++ prettyShow (isiHeadTime isi))
info verbosity ("index-state("++ unRepoName rname ++") = " ++ prettyShow (isiHeadTime isi))
return ()
IndexStateTime ts0 -> do
when (isiMaxTime isi /= ts0) $
if ts0 > isiMaxTime isi
then warn verbosity $
"Requested index-state " ++ prettyShow ts0
++ " is newer than '" ++ rname ++ "'!"
++ " is newer than '" ++ unRepoName rname ++ "'!"
++ " Falling back to older state ("
++ prettyShow (isiMaxTime isi) ++ ")."
else info verbosity $
"Requested index-state " ++ prettyShow ts0
++ " does not exist in '"++rname++"'!"
++ " does not exist in '"++ unRepoName rname ++"'!"
++ " Falling back to older state ("
++ prettyShow (isiMaxTime isi) ++ ")."
info verbosity ("index-state("++rname++") = " ++
info verbosity ("index-state("++ unRepoName rname ++") = " ++
prettyShow (isiMaxTime isi) ++ " (HEAD = " ++
prettyShow (isiHeadTime isi) ++ ")")

pure (pis,deps)
pure RepoData
{ rdIndexStates = maybe [] (\n -> [(n, isiMaxTime isi)]) mrname
, rdIndex = pis
, rdPreferences = deps

let (pkgs, prefs) = mconcat pkgss
let RepoData indexStates pkgs prefs = mconcat pkgss
prefs' = Map.fromListWith intersectVersionRanges
[ (name, range) | Dependency name range _ <- prefs ]
totalIndexState = foldl'
(\acc (rn, ts) -> insertIndexState rn (IndexStateTime ts) acc)
_ <- evaluate pkgs
_ <- evaluate prefs'
return SourcePackageDb {
_ <- evaluate totalIndexState
return (SourcePackageDb {
packageIndex = pkgs,
packagePreferences = prefs'
}, totalIndexState)

-- auxiliary data used in getSourcePackagesAtIndexState
data RepoData = RepoData
{ rdIndexStates :: [(RepoName, Timestamp)]
, rdIndex :: PackageIndex UnresolvedSourcePackage
, rdPreferences :: [Dependency]

instance Semigroup RepoData where
RepoData x y z <> RepoData u v w = RepoData (x <> u) (y <> v) (z <> w)

instance Monoid RepoData where
mempty = RepoData mempty mempty mempty
mappend = (<>)

readCacheStrict :: NFData pkg => Verbosity -> Index -> (PackageEntry -> pkg) -> IO ([pkg], [Dependency])
readCacheStrict verbosity index mkPkg = do
Expand All @@ -311,7 +342,7 @@ readCacheStrict verbosity index mkPkg = do
-- This is a higher level wrapper used internally in cabal-install.
readRepoIndex :: Verbosity -> RepoContext -> Repo -> IndexState
readRepoIndex :: Verbosity -> RepoContext -> Repo -> RepoIndexState
-> IO (PackageIndex UnresolvedSourcePackage, [Dependency], IndexStateInfo)
readRepoIndex verbosity repoCtxt repo idxState =
handleNotFound $ do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -729,7 +760,7 @@ readPackageIndexCacheFile :: Package pkg
=> Verbosity
-> (PackageEntry -> pkg)
-> Index
-> IndexState
-> RepoIndexState
-> IO (PackageIndex pkg, [Dependency], IndexStateInfo)
readPackageIndexCacheFile verbosity mkPkg index idxState
| localNoIndex index = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -922,7 +953,7 @@ writeNoIndexCache verbosity index cache = do
structuredEncodeFile path cache

-- | Write the 'IndexState' to the filesystem
writeIndexTimestamp :: Index -> IndexState -> IO ()
writeIndexTimestamp :: Index -> RepoIndexState -> IO ()
writeIndexTimestamp index st
= writeFile (timestampFile index) (prettyShow st)

Expand All @@ -938,7 +969,7 @@ currentIndexTimestamp verbosity repoCtxt r = do
return (isiHeadTime isi)

-- | Read the 'IndexState' from the filesystem
readIndexTimestamp :: Index -> IO (Maybe IndexState)
readIndexTimestamp :: Index -> IO (Maybe RepoIndexState)
readIndexTimestamp index
= fmap simpleParsec (readFile (timestampFile index))
`catchIO` \e ->
Expand Down