Last 3 weeks I have been learning about cairo language and how to deploy contract in Starknet. Starkware (company who developes this solutions) provides a lot of documentation, but it was really hard for me to configure and execute a contract in the testnet.
First, to configurate the enviroment and learn about Cairo language, you can check the official docs right here. Also, there exist a Youtube Channel and I read this article with some suggestion to choose a Development Tool.
I choose protostar because allows you to test your StarkNet smart contracts with Cairo Language. In the file setting up I show you the steps that I did to setting up protostar and start to work.
git clone
protostar build
protostar declare ./build/main.json --account-address [ACCOUNT_ADDRESS_FROM_ARGENTX_ WALLET] —max-fee auto —network testnet
protostar deploy [CLASS_HASH] --network testnet --max-fee auto --account-address [ACCOUNT_ADDRESS_FROM_ARGENTX_ WALLET]
protostar test ./tests
After deploying our contract we obtain the [CONTRACT_ADDRESS] and to interact with the external functions of this contract we use de INVOKE command as follows:
protostar invoke --contract-address [CONTRACT_ADDRESS] --function "[FUNCTION_NAME]" --network testnet --account-address [ACCOUNT_ADDRESS_FROM_ARGENTX_ WALLET] --max-fee auto --inputs 3 5
We obtain:
Sending invoke transaction...
Invoke transaction was sent.
Transaction hash: 0x00badbee6ae75ebfee51c89b0ad23d3b0331b1962d87d709a9dd3eb0fc63bd39
00:23:22 [INFO] Execution time: 5.32 s
To interact with the view functions of this contract we use de CALL command as follows:
protostar call --contract-address [CONTRACT_ADDRESS] --function "[FUNCTION_NAME]" --network testnet
We obtain:
"res": 8
00:50:40 [INFO] Execution time: 6.96 s