#Fuzzy-Equals A function to deeply compare values and produce a naive percentage of similarity and other metrics to analyze the difference between them. The notion of equality in this library is defined as exact type, value, and structural equality.
var fuzzyEqual = require('fuzzy-equal');
var expectation = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: ['a','b','c']
var reality = {
a: 1,
b: null,
c: ['a','b','f','d']
var comparison = fuzzyEqual(expectation, reality);
{ matching_types: true,
property_count: 3,
matching: 1,
similarity: 0.3333333333333333,
deep_equal: false,
differing_properties: [],
common_properties: { a: true, b: true, c: true },
{ b: { matching_types: false, similarity: 0, deep_equal: false },
{ matching_types: true,
property_count: 4,
matching: 2,
similarity: 0.5,
deep_equal: false } },
left_only: [],
right_only: [] }
The function fuzzyEqual takes two arguments of any type.
The result will be an object of the following shape. (Using TypeScript interface notation)
interface Comparison {
matching_types: boolean,
similarity: number, //percentage of matching properties
deep_equal: boolean, //quick summary of equality
property_count?: number, //total number of keys in an object, or length for an array
matching?: number, //number of deep equal properties between the two values
differing_properties?: string[], //list of keys of properties that differed
common_properties?: {[index: string]: boolean}, //object containing keys of shared properties
deep_differences?: {[index: string]: Comparison}, //the comparison object generated for each differing property
left_only?: string[], //keys which only appear in the left object
right_only?: string[], //keys which only appear in the right object