This is a thin wrapper around the Podio API for nodejs. It handles authentication and maintains access/refresh tokens for you. It is also my first nodejs project so comments and pull requests are welcome.
// Initialize and specify client id and secret
var podio = require('podiojs');
podio.client.client_id = 'CLIENT_ID';
podio.client.client_secret = 'CLIENT_SECRET';
podio.on('error', function(request, response, body) {
console.log('There was a problem with a request to ' + request.path+'. Error was "'+body.error_description+'" ('+body.error+')');
podio.on('rateLimitError', function(request, response, body) {
console.log('You hit the rate limit');
podio.authenticate('password', {'username': 'USERNAME', 'password': 'PASSWORD'}, function(response, body){
podio.get('/user/status', {}, function(response, body){
npm install git://
podio.authenticate(grant_type, attributes, [callback])
podio.request(method, url, attributes, [options], [callback])
podio.get(url, attributes, [options], [callback]), attributes, [options], [callback])
podio.put(url, attributes, [options], [callback])
Callback receives two arguments: response
(ClientResponse object) and body
(JSON object of the HTTP body)
- Handle gzip/deflate