This is a module for Jelix, to rate some data like news or products.
This module is for Jelix 1.7.2 and higher.
It was originally developped into the Havefnubb project.
The best method is to use Composer.
In a commande line inside your project, execute:
composer require "havefnubb/hfnurates-module"
Launch the configurator for your application to enable the module
php dev.php module:configure hfnurates
After configuring the module, you should launch the installer of your application to activate the module:
php install/installer.php
You should attach url of hfnurates to the main entrypoint of your
application. Exemple, in your app/system/urls.xml
<classicentrypoint name="index" default="false" noentrypoint="false">
<url pathinfo="/rates" module="hfnurates" include="urls.xml"/>