Version 2.1
Daut is programmed in Scala.
Daut (Data automata) is an internal Scala DSL for writing event stream monitors. It supports a simple but yet interesting combination of state machines, temporal logic, and rule-based programming, all in one unified formalism, implemented in very few lines of code (341 lines not counting comments). The underlying concept is that at any point during monitoring there is an active set of states, the "state soup". States can be added to this set by taking state to state transitions (target states are added), and can be removed from this soup by leaving states as a result of transitions. Each state in the soup can itself monitor the incoming event stream, and it can be used to record data (as in rule-based programming).
The specification language specifically supports:
- Automata, represented by states, parameterized with data (thereby the name Daut: Data automata).
- Temporal operators which generate states, resulting in more succinct specifications.
- Rule-based programming in that one can test for the presence of states.
- General purpose programming in Scala when the other specification features fall short.
The DSL is a simplification of the TraceContract internal Scala DSL, which was used on the LADEE mission for checking command sequences against flight rules.
The general idea is to create a monitor as a class sub-classing the Monitor
class, create an instance of it, and then feed it with events with the verify(event: Event)
method, one by one, and in the case of a finite sequence of observations, finally calling the end()
method on it. If end()
is called, it will be determined whether there are any outstanding obligations that have not been satisfied (expected events that did not occur).
This can schematically be illustrated as follows:
import daut._
class MyMonitor extends Monitor[SomeType] {
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val m = new MyMonitor()
In the following, we shall illustrate the API by going through a collection of examples.
There are some options:
The repository is an SBT project. To run it as an SBT project you must download SBT first, and follow the instructions there on how to run SBT projects.
The main file is: src/main/scala/daut/Monitor.scala. This source can alternatively be incorporated into your own project, fitting your own way of working, and you are up and running. One file is simplicity.
You may use an IDE, such as IntelliJ or Eclipse. IntelliJ can load the project in SBT mode.
Download the jar files:
and compile and run examples as follows.
First, define a path to the jar files (here using bash export):
export DAUTMAIN=path/to/daut.jar
export CSV=path/to/fastcsv-1.0.1.jar
The jar file is generated with Scala 2.13.3.
Now let's compile a program. Go to src/test/scala/daut1_temporal
Here is a file Main.scala
with the following contents:
package daut1_temporal
import daut._
* Property AcquireRelease: A task acquiring a lock should eventually release it. At most one task
* can acquire a lock at a time.
trait LockEvent
case class acquire(t:Int, x:Int) extends LockEvent
case class release(t:Int, x:Int) extends LockEvent
class AcquireRelease extends Monitor[LockEvent] {
always {
case acquire(t, x) =>
hot {
case acquire(_,`x`) => error
case release(`t`,`x`) => ok
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val m = new AcquireRelease
m.verify(acquire(1, 10))
m.verify(acquire(2, 20))
m.verify(acquire(3, 20))
Compile as follows:
scalac -cp $DAUT Main.scala
This creates a directory with the name: daut1_temporal
containing the compiled class files.
Now run the program as follows:
scala -cp .:$DAUT daut1_temporal.Main
This should generate the output:
Summary of Daut Reports:
Event number 3: acquire(3,20)
State: always, EventNr: 2, Event: acquire(2,20)
State: hot, EventNr: 3, Event: acquire(3,20)
State: always, EventNr: 1, Event: acquire(1,10)
State: always, EventNr: 3, Event: acquire(3,20)
Daut Error Status per Monitor:
AcquireRelease : 3
Three errors are detectded and reported:
- Task 3 acquires lock 20 when task 2 has it.
- Task 1 does not release lock 10.
- Task 3 does not release lock 20 (assuming it got it).
Note: in Scala you indicate an "object" to run, in this case the object named Main
. It must contain a main
method. There can be
several such objects in a file, Main1
, Main2
, each containing
a main
method. One picks which to execute in the above commmand.
Consider the monitoring of acquisition and release of locks by threads. We shall in other words monitor a sequence of events, where each event indicates either the acquisition of a lock by a thread, or the release of a lock by a thread. We can then formulate various policies about such acquisitions and releases as Daut monitors.
Let us start by modeling the type LockEvent
of events:
trait LockEvent
case class acquire(t:Int, x:Int) extends LockEvent // thread t acquires lock x
case class release(t:Int, x:Int) extends LockEvent // thread t releases lock x
We can then formulate our first property:
- "A task acquiring a lock should eventually release it. At most one task can acquire a lock at a time".
This property is stated as the following monitor:
class AcquireRelease extends Monitor[LockEvent] {
always {
case acquire(t, x) =>
hot {
case acquire(_,`x`) => error
case release(`t`,`x`) => ok
The monitor is formulated as a class AcquireRelease
extending the Monitor
class, instantiated with the type of events, LockEvent
, that we want to monitor.
The body of the AcquireRelease
monitor class shall read as follows: it is always the case (checked continuously) that if we observe an acquire(t, x)
event, then we go into a so-called hot
state (which must be left eventually), where we are waiting for one of two events to occur: either an:
event, where the x
is the same as was previously acquired (caused by the quotes around x
), or a:
event, where the thread t
and the lock t
are the same as in the original acquisition. In the first case the transition returns the error
state, and in the second case the transition returns the ok
state. An ok
means that we are done monitoring that particular path in the monitor.
and error
can alsl be "called" with a string argument as in:
class AcquireRelease extends Monitor[LockEvent] {
always {
case acquire(t, x) =>
hot {
case acquire(_,`x`) => error(s"double acquire of $x")
case release(`t`,`x`) => ok(s"successful realse of $x by $s")
#### Applying the Monitor
We can now apply the monitor, as for example in the following main program:
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val m = new AcquireRelease
m.verify(acquire(1, 10))
m.verify(release(1, 10))
Note the call m.end()
which terminates monitoring. A monitor does not need to be terminated by this call, and
will not be if for example it concerns an ongoing online monitoring of an executing system. However, if this method is called, it will check that no monitor is in a hot
state, as shown above. This is in effect how eventuallity properties are checked on finite traces.
The body always { ... }
above was perhaps a little bit of a mystery. In reality it is a call of a function with the signature:
type Transitions = PartialFunction[LockEvent, Set[state]]
def always(ts: Transitions): state
That is, always
is a function that as argument takes a partial function from events to sets of states, and returns a state. Partial functions in Scala are represented as sequences of case statements of the form:
case pattern_1 => code_1
case pattern_2 => code_2
case pattern_n => code_n
and this is exactly how we model transitions out of a state. The always
function therefore returns a state with these transitions leaving it. In addition, since it is an always-state, it has a self loop back to itself, so taking a transition returns the state itself in addition to whatever the chosen transition produces as a set of states.
Daut offers a collection of such functions, each returning a state using the provided transition function according to its semantics. All states are final states except those produced by the functions hot
and next
, which are non-final states. Being in a non-final states results in an error when end()
is called.
def always(ts: Transitions): state // always check the transitions
def watch(ts: Transitions): state // watch until one of the transitions fire and move on
def hot(ts: Transitions): state // non-final, otherwise same meaning as watch
def next(ts: Transitions): state // non-final, one of the transitions must fire next
def wnext(ts: Transitions): state // one of the transtions must fire next, if there is a next event
Note: these functions actually return an object of a subclass (named
) of class state
, but that is not important here.
You notice above that the state producing functions each takes a partial function of type Transitions
as argument, that is, of type:
PartialFunction[LockEvent, Set[state]]
Such a partial function returns a set of states. In the above example, repeated here, however,
we see that single states are returned, namely hot {...}
, error
, and ok
always {
case acquire(t, x) =>
hot {
case acquire(_,`x`) => error
case release(`t`,`x`) => ok
How does that work? - a state is not a set of states! An implicit function handles such cases, lifting (behind our back) any single state S
to the set Set(S)
, to make the program type check, and work:
implicit def convState2StateSet(state: state): Set[state] = Set(state)
Other such implicit functions exist, for example the following two, which respectively allow us to write code with side effects as the target of a transition, which will result in an ok
state, or writing a Boolean expression, which will result in ok
or error
state depending on what the Boolean expression evaluates to:
implicit def convUnit2StateSet(u: Unit): Set[state] = Set(ok)
implicit def convBoolean2StateSet(b: Boolean): Set[state] = Set(if (b) ok else error)
You may wonder how the state procuced by the always
function ends up being monitored. After all, it is just a call of a function that returns a state. It happens conveniently that any state created in a monitor before the first call of the verify(event: Event)
method becomes part of the initial state of the monitor (a side effect of generating the state).
We have already gotten a good sense of the temporal logic flavor of the Daut logic. However, Daut also supports state machine notation. Suppose we want to modify the above monitor to explicitly name the hot state where we have received a lock acquisition, but where we are waiting for a release, as one would do in a state machine. This can be done by simply defining the hot state as the body of a state returning function, and then call that function, as is done in the following:
class AcquireRelease extends Monitor[LockEvent] {
always {
case acquire(t, x) => acquired(t, x)
def acquired(t: Int, x: Int) : state =
hot {
case acquire(_,`x`) => error("lock acquired before released")
case release(`t`,`x`) => ok
There is no magic to this: the function call acquired(t, x)
simply returns the hot state that we had
previously inlined.
The previous temporal version is shorter and might be preferable. Naming states, however, can bring conceptual clarity to sub-concepts.
This "state machine" contains no loops. The next example introduces a looping state machine, with data.
Note that a text string can be passed to error
as shown. This also holds for ok
. These strings will be printed in various output.
As mentioned already, a transition technically returns a set of states, each of which has to lead to success. Effectively, this set represents a conjunction: all these result states have to lead to succces. As an example of how this concept can be utilized for spceification of properties, consider the following property:
- "A task acquiring a lock should eventually release it. A task can only acquire the same lock once".
This property can be formulated as the following monitor:
class AcquireRelease extends Monitor[LockEvent] {
always {
case acquire(t, x) =>
doRelease(t, x),
def doRelease(t: Int, x: Int) : state =
hot {
case release(`t`,`x`) => ok
def dontAcquire(t: Int, x: Int) : state =
watch {
case acquire(`t`,`x`) => error("lock acquired again by same task")
The AcquireRelease
monitor returns a set of states upon observing an acquire
The first state (returned by doRelease
) checks that the release
event eventually follows. The second state (returned by dontAcquire
) checks that another acquisition of that lock by that task does not occur.
In this example, we shall illustrate a state machine with a loop, using functions to represent the individual states, which by the way in this case are parameterized with data, a feature not supported by text book state machines, including extended state machines.
We are monitoring a sequence of start
and stop
events, each carrying a task id as parameter:
trait TaskEvent
case class start(task: Int) extends TaskEvent
case class stop(task: Int) extends TaskEvent
The property we want to monitor is the following:
- "Tasks should be executed (started and stopped) in increasing order according to task numbers, starting from task 0, with no other events in between, hence: start(0),stop(0),start(1),stop(1),start(2),stop(2),... A started task should eventually be stopped".
This following monitor verifies this property, and illustrates the use of next and weak next states.
class StartStop extends Monitor[TaskEvent] {
def start(task: Int) : state =
wnext {
case start(`task`) => stop(task)
def stop(task: Int) : state =
next {
case stop(`task`) => start(task + 1)
start(0) // initial state
The following main program exercises the monitor.
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val m = new StartStop
m.PRINT = true
m.verify(start(3)) // violates property
Above we saw how state machines can be modeled using state-returning functions. There is an alternative way of modeling states, which becomes useful when we want to use techniques known from rule-based programming. In rule-based programming one can query whether a particular state is in the state soup, as a condition to taking a transition. This is particularly useful for modeling properties reasoning about the past (the past is stored as states). In order to do that, we need to make states objects (of case classes). This technique can be used as a general technique for modeling state machines, but is only strictly needed when quering states in this manner.
Let's go back to our lock acquisition and release scenario, and formulate the following property:
- "A task acquiring a lock should eventually release it. At most one task can acquire a lock at a time. A task cannot release a lock it has not acquired.".
It is the last requirement "A task cannot release a lock it has not acquired", that is a past time property: if a task is released, it must have been acquired in the past, and not released since.
The monitor can be formulated as follows:
class AcquireRelease extends Monitor[LockEvent] {
case class Locked(t: Int, x: Int) extends fact {
hot {
case acquire(_, `x`) => error
case release(`t`, `x`) => ok
always {
case acquire(t, x) => Locked(t, x)
case release(t, x) if !Locked(t, x) => error
The monitor declares a case class Locked
. An instance Locked(t, x)
of this class is a state (the Locked
class extends the fact
trait, which itself extends the state
trait) and is meant to represent the fact (rule-based terminology) that thread t
has acquired the lock x
. A state Locked(t, x)
is created and added to the state soup upon the observation of an
acquire(t, x)
event in the always active always
state. Note how the state itself this time checks whether it gets double acquired by some other thread (underscore pattern means that we don't care about the thread),
and if released, resulting in the ok
state, goes away.
Now, the same always
state producing the Locked(t, x)
state also contains the transition:
case release(t, x) if !Locked(t, x) => error
that tests for the occurrence of a Locked(t, x)
state (fact) in the state soup, and if not present in case of a
release(t, x)
event yields an error. Here a little implicit function magic is occurring. The term
!Locked(t, x)
is the negation of the term Locked(t, x)
, which itself is an object of type state. This is all made to work by the exisistence of the following implicit function, which lifts a state
object to a Boolean,
being true only if the object is in the state soup, represented by the variable states:
implicit def convState2Boolean(s: state): Boolean = states contains s
In the Locked(t: Int, x: Int)
case class above, we saw a call of a hot
function. Although it looks like
the hot
function we saw earlier, it is actually a different one, not returning a state, but updating the state
it is called from within. That is, the state
class provides the following functions, analog to the previous ones,
but which just updates the state's transition function (return type is Unit
and not state
def always(ts: Transitions): state // always check the transitions
def watch(ts: Transitions): state // watch until one of the transitions fire and move on
def hot(ts: Transitions): state // non-final, otherwise same meaning as watch
def next(ts: Transitions): state // non-final, one of the transitions must fire next
def wnext(ts: Transitions): state // one of the transtions must fire next, if there is a next event
A user does not need to think about this distinction between the two sets of functions, once the specfication patterns have become familiar.
In this example we illustrate, using the start-stop example, how case classes can be used to represent a state machine with a loop. This is an alternative to the use of functions we saw earlier.
class TestMonitor extends Monitor[TaskEvent] {
case class Start(task: Int) extends fact {
wnext {
case start(`task`) => Stop(task)
case class Stop(task: Int) extends fact {
next {
case stop(`task`) => Start(task + 1)
Both solutions in this case work equally well from a monitoring point of view.
However, the use of case classes (facts) has one advantage: if we turn on printing mode,
setting a monitor's PRINT
flag to true (see below), then case class states will be printed nicely,
whereas this is not the case when using anonymous states (using the function approach).
This section illustrates some of the more esoteric functions, namely exists
and map
for searching the state soup for states that satisfy certain conditions. These functions
have similarities to Scala's functions with the same names.
Let's first sketch the property we want to monitor.
- "At most one task can acquire a lock at a time. A task cannot release a lock it has not acquired."
We provide two alternative formulations of this property, one using the
function and one using the map
function. These functions have the following signatures (the map
function returns an object on which the orelse
function is defined):
def exists(pred: PartialFunction[state, Boolean]): Boolean
def map(pf: PartialFunction[state, Set[state]]) orelse (set: => Set[state]): Set[state]
The exists
function searches the state soup for a state that satisfies the partial function predicate pred
provided as argument, and returns true of one that matches is found.
The map
function searches the state soup for states mathcing the partial function pf
, and returns the union of applying pf
to all these states. Alternatively if no matching state is found
it returns the set
provided as second argument.
The idea is to add a state Locked(t, x)
to the state soup when a lock is
acquired. This state removes itself on a proper release
event by the same thread of the same lock. Upon acquisition of a lock, we only add such a Locked(t, x)
event if no other thread already holds the lock
(another Locked(_,x)
state exists in the state soup).
class MonitorUsingExists extends Monitor[LockEvent] {
case class Locked(t: Isnt, x: Int) extends fact {
watch {
case release(`t`, `x`) => ok
always {
case acquire(t, x) =>
if (exists {case Locked(_, `x`) => true}) error else Locked(t, x)
case release(t, x) => ensure(Locked(t,x))
The ensure(b: Boolean): state
function returns the state ok
if the Boolean condition
is true, otherwise it returns the state error
class MonitorUsingMap extends Monitor[LockEvent] {
case class Locked(t: Int, x: Int) extends fact {
watch {
case release(`t`, `x`) => ok
always {
case acquire(t, x) => {
map {
case Locked(_,`x`) => error
} orelse {
Locked(t, x)
case release(t, x) => ensure(Locked(t, x))
Daut supports monitoring of some forms of timing properties. We shall consider the lock acquisition and release scenario again, but slightly modified such that events carry a time stamp. We shall then formulate a property about these time stamps.
The events now carry an additional time stamp ts
indicating when the lock was acquired, respectively released:
trait LockEvent
case class acquire(t:Int, x:Int, ts:Int) extends LockEvent
case class release(t:Int, x:Int, ts:Int) extends LockEvent
The property now states that locks should be released in a timely manner:
- "Property ReleaseWithin: A task acquiring a lock should eventually release it within 500 milliseconds."
The monitor can be formulated as a monitor class parameterized with the number of time units within which a lock must be released after it has been acquired:
class ReleaseWithin(limit: Int) extends Monitor[LockEvent] {
always {
case acquire(t, x, ts1) =>
hot {
case release(`t`,`x`, ts2) => ensure(ts2 - ts1 <= limit)
The function ensure(b: Boolean): state
returns either the ok
state or the error
state, depending on whether the Boolean condition b
is true or not.
This can actually be expressed slightly more elegantly, leaving out the call of ensure
and just provide its argument, as in:
class ReleaseWithin(limit: Int) extends Monitor[LockEvent] {
always {
case acquire(t, x, ts1) =>
hot {
case release(`t`,`x`, ts2) => ts2 - ts1 <= limit
This is due to the before mentioned implicit function:
implicit def convBoolean2StateSet(b: Boolean): Set[state] = Set(if (b) ok else error)
Finally, it should be mentioned that one can call the function
check(b: Boolean): Unit
at any point. It will report an error in case the Boolean
condition b
is false, but otherwise will let the monitor progress as if no error had occurred.
Finally, we can instantiate the monitor:-
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val m = new ReleaseWithin(500) printSteps()
m.verify(acquire(1, 10, 100))
m.verify(release(1, 10, 800)) // violates property
PS: note the call of printSteps()
on the monitor (which returns the monitor). It has the same effect as adding m.PRINT = true
The above described approach to the verification of timing properties is limited in the sense that it cannot detect a timing violation as soon as it occurs. For example, after an acquire
event, if no release
event occurs within the time window, the monitor will not know until either a proper release
occurs, perhaps much later, or until the end()
method is called and we find ourselves in the hot state. This can only be improved upon by e.g. introducing other more regularly occuring events containing time stamps and then include those in the specification. The TraceContract system has timers internal to the monitor, but Daut does currently not support this.
This example illustrates the use of Scala code as part of a specification, and the use of class invariants, using the lock acquisition and release scenario again. First we reformulate the property we want to monitor.
- "A task acquiring a lock should eventually release it. At most one task can acquire a lock at a time. At most 4 locks should be acquired at any moment".
The monitor declares a monitor local integer variable count
, keeping track of the number
of un-released locks. A monitor class invariant expresses the upper limit on the number of
un-released locks.
class AcquireReleaseLimit extends Monitor[LockEvent] {
var count : Int = 0
invariant {count <= 4}
always {
case acquire(t, x) =>
count +=1
hot {
case acquire(_,`x`) => error
case release(`t`,`x`) => count -= 1; ok
The invariant
function takes as argument a Boolean expression (call by name) and ensures that this expression is evaluated after each event processed by the monitor. If the expression ever becomes false, an error is issued.
The example illustrates how the temporal logic can be combined with programming. This paradigm of combining programming and temporal logic/state machines can of course be carried much furher.
Monitors can be combined into a single monitor. For example, the following is possible:
class AcquireRelease extends Monitor[Event] {
always {
case acquire(t, x) =>
hot {
case acquire(_,`x`) => error
case release(`t`,`x`) => ok
class ReleaseAcquired extends Monitor[Event] {
case class Locked(t:Int, x:Int) extends fact {
watch {
case release(`t`,`x`) => ok
always {
case acquire(t,x) => Locked(t,x)
case release(t,x) if !Locked(t,x) => error
class Monitors extends Monitor[Event] {
monitor(new AcquireRelease, new ReleaseAcquired) // monitor submonitors
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val m = new Monitors // now monitoring two submonitors
m.verify(acquire(1, 10))
m.verify(release(1, 10))
This allows to build a hierarchy of monitors, which might be useful for grouping.
Above we saw how monitors can be combined in a modular manner to form a hierarchy, with the sole purpose to just group monitors, without any added semantics. We here describe an alternative way of combining monitors in a network, where one monitor can send events to other monitors. We call such other monitors for abstract monitors, since the typical usecase is that a "concrete" monitor receives lower level events, and then sends higher level events to the abstract monitor when a certain sequence of lower level events has been detected. The following example illustrates this.
First we define the abstract monitor, including the abstract events we want to send to it. It checks that different commands always have different task ids or command numbers:
// Abstract events:
sealed trait AbstractEvent
case class Command(taskId: Int, cmdNum: Int) extends AbstractEvent
class AbstractMonitor extends Monitor[AbstractEvent] {
always {
case Command(taskId1, cmdNum1) => always {
case Command(taskId2, cmdNum2) =>
ensure (taskId1 != taskId2 || cmdNum1 != cmdNum2)
So what are commands? they are here generated by a lower level monitor, which monitors lower
level events, which together represent a command execution. This concrete monitor
creates an instance of the abstract monitor and sends Command
events to it.
// Concrete events:
sealed trait ConcreteEvent
case class DispatchRequest(taskId: Int, cmdNum: Int) extends ConcreteEvent
case class DispatchReply(taskId: Int, cmdNum: Int) extends ConcreteEvent
case class CommandComplete(taskId: Int, cmdNum: Int) extends ConcreteEvent
class ConcreteMonitor extends Monitor[ConcreteEvent] {
val abstractMonitor = monitorAbstraction(AbstractMonitor())
always {
case DispatchRequest(taskId, cmdNum) =>
hot {
case DispatchReply(`taskId`, `cmdNum`) =>
hot {
case CommandComplete(`taskId`, `cmdNum`) =>
abstractMonitor(Command(taskId, cmdNum))
println(s"command $taskId $cmdNum")
The abstract monitor is created by a call of the monitorAbstraction
method. This call ensures that when end()
is called on the concrete monitor, it is also automatically
called on the abstract monitor. It would also be possible to write:
val abstractMonitor = AbstractMonitor()
This would have the exact same effect, except that end()
would not be automatically called.
Note: multiple monitors can send to the same abstract monitor.
Wrt. examples:
- See here for a complete example
- See here for an example of three monitors calling each other in a circular manner
Wrt. the last example, monitors calling each other in a recursive manner can be problematic. A better way might be to embed monitors in actors:
- See here
Indexing is an approach to speed up monitoring by defining a function from events to keys, and using the keys as entries in a hashmap to obtain only those states that are relevent to the particular event. This can be useful if our state soup ends up containing many (thousands) of states. The larger the number of states in the state soup, the more important indexing becomes for obtaining an efficient monitor. The improvement in speed can be several orders of magnitudes.
Let us illustrate the indexing approach with a slight modification of our locking example.
We shall use the same events as before, except that we add an additional CANCEL
event which releases all locks (it has the same meaning as a sequence of release
calls on all acquisitions):
trait LockEvent
case class acquire(t: Int, x: Int) extends LockEvent
case class release(t: Int, x: Int) extends LockEvent
case object CANCEL extends LockEvent
Our property is the same as in our first example:
- "A task acquiring a lock should eventually release it. At most one task can acquire a lock at a time".
Let's do things a bit differenty and give names to the different
monitor strategies. We first define our traditional generic monitor,
calling it SlowLockMonitor
, and the define our monitor as extending
that (slightly modified to take CANCEL
into account):
class SlowLockMonitor extends Monitor[LockEvent]
class CorrectLock extends SlowLockMonitor {
always {
case acquire(t, x) =>
hot {
case acquire(_, `x`) => error
case CANCEL | release(`t`, `x`) => ok
Let us apply this monitor as follows:
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val m = new CorrectLock
m.verify(acquire(1, 100))
m.verify(acquire(2, 200))
m.verify(acquire(1, 200)) // error
The third event will violate the monitor since task 1 wants to acquire lock 200, which has already been acquired by task 2. Assume that we observed 100,000 lock acquisitions, then for each new lock acquisition we would at that point have to explore 100,000 states to see of there is a violation. We can optimize this and use indexing.
Note that this property is lock centric: we can maintain a set of states for each lock: those states that concern only that lock. This is the idea in indexing. We can use the lock id as key in a mapping from keys to sets of states. This is done by overriding the keyOf
function in the Monitor
class (something the user has to do explicitly). This function has the type:
def keyOf(event: LockEvent): Option[Any]
This function takes an event as argument and returns an optional index of type Any
(any index can be used). It's default return value is None
. The function can be overridden as follows for our example (note why it may be a good idea to separate out the definition
of keyOf
from the actual monitor: we achive modularity and potential reuse of the keyOf
function for other monitors):
class FastLockMonitor extends Monitor[LockEvent] {
override def keyOf(event: LockEvent): Option[Int] = {
event match {
case acquire(_, x) => Some(x)
case release(_, x) => Some(x)
case CANCEL => None
class CorrectLock extends FastLockMonitor {
// as before:
always {
case acquire(t, x) =>
hot {
case acquire(_, `x`) => error
case CANCEL | release(`t`, `x`) => ok
The keyOf
function here extracts the lock x
from the event and turns it into the key Some(x)
. This now means that all events concerning a specific lock x
are fed to only those states concerned with that lock.
Note that CANCEL
is mapped to None
. This has as effect that this event is sent to all states, independent of their key. This is exaxtly what we want: all locks should be released.
One should be careful with the definition of the keyOf
function (similarly to how one has to be careful when defining the functions hashCode
and equals
). Suppose for example that we instead had defined the keyOf
function as follows, where the key is the task id, and not the lock id:
class BadLockMonitor extends Monitor[LockEvent] {
override def keyOf(event: LockEvent): Option[Int] = {
event match {
case acquire(t, _) => Some(t)
case release(t, _) => Some(t)
case CANCEL => None
class CorrectLock extends BadLockMonitor {
// as before:
always {
case acquire(t, x) =>
hot {
case acquire(_, `x`) => error
case CANCEL | release(`t`, `x`) => ok
In this case, our monitor will not detect the violation in the sequence:
m.verify(acquire(2, 200))
m.verify(acquire(1, 200)) // error
since the first event is sent to the state set denoted by 2 and the second event is sent to the state set denoted by 1. Those sets are different, and hence no violation is detected.
An interesting application of indexing, beyond just optimization, is the formulation of
past time properties, e.g.: "if some event P happens now then some other event Q should have happened in the past". Recall that we previously used a fact (objects of case classes, specifically the fact Locked(t,x)
), to model the fact that thread t
has acquired lock x
We can instead use the indexing feature that all events concerning e.g. a lock are sent to the same state set, and we can therefore require that a release
is not allowed for a lock before it has been acquired. Let's see how this looks like.
The property we formulated earlier was the following:
- "A task acquiring a lock should eventually release it. At most one task can acquire a lock at a time. A task cannot release a lock it has not acquired.".
It is the last requirement "A task cannot release a lock it has not acquired", that is a past time property: if a task is released, it must have been acquired in the past, and not released since. We shall leave out the CANCEL
event from this example. The monitor for this property, using indexing, can be formulated as follows.
class AcquireRelease extends Monitor[LockEvent] {
override def keyOf(event: LockEvent): Option[Int] = {
event match {
case acquire(_, x) => Some(x)
case release(_, x) => Some(x)
def start(): state =
watch {
case acquire(t, x) => hot {
case acquire(_, `x`) => error
case release(`t`, `x`) => start()
case release(_, _) => error
The keyOf
function extracts the lock id for each event, hence all events for one particular lock are sent to the same state set. The monitor itself is a state machine with one named state start
, and an anonymous hot state, from which there is a transition back to the start
state when a lock is released. Note the transition:
case release(_, _) => error
as part of the start
state, which will trigger an error in case a release
event arrives before an acquire
event for a lock.
This is fundamentally how slicing-based systems such as MOP model properties.
In the above example, we used the states hot
and watch
. These are states with a UML-like semantics: we stay in these states until we see an event that matches one of the outgoing transitions. If we instead use the states wnext
(if there is a next event, it has to match one of the transitions) and next
(there has to be a next event it it has to match one of the transitions), we can formulate a monitor without having to indicate the wrong transitions explicitly, it follows indirectly from the semantics of wnext
and next
, just like in classical automata theory:
class AcquireReleaseTextBookLogic extends Monitor[LockEvent] {
override def keyOf(event: LockEvent): Option[Int] = ... // as above
def doAcquire(): state =
wnext {
case acquire(t, x) => next {
case release(`t`, `x`) => doAcquire()
We can also name the inner anonymous state, let us name it doRelease
, arriving the following automaton, with equivalent semantics:
class AcquireReleaseTextBookAutomaton extends Monitor[LockEvent] {
override def keyOf(event: LockEvent): Option[Int] = ... // as above
def doAcquire(): state =
wnext {
case acquire(t, x) => doRelease(t, x)
def doRelease(t: Int, x: Int) =
next {
case release(`t`, `x`) => doAcquire()
} label(t, x)
Note: One has to ensure that only events relevant for the property are submitted to the monitor in order to use the states wnext
and next
When using indexing combined with wnext
and next
states, it can be necessary
to explicitly indicate that a certain event in a certain state is acceptable and just causes
the monitor to stay in that state, corresponding to a self-loop in automaton theory (a transition where the source state and the target state is the same). Let us modify the requirement to allow reentrant locks, meaning that a thread that a task that currently holds the lock can acquire it again without causing a deadlock.
- "A task acquiring a lock should eventually release it. At most one task can acquire a lock at a time. Howevever, locks are reentrant. A task cannot release a lock it has not acquired.".
This can be expressed using stay
as "target state", which means the current state we are in.
class AcquireReleaseTextBookStayAutomaton extends Monitor[LockEvent] {
override def keyOf(event: LockEvent): Option[Int] = ... // as above
def doAcquire(): state =
wnext {
case acquire(t, x) => doRelease(t, x)
def doRelease(t: Int, x: Int) =
next {
case acquire(`t`, `x`) => stay // the lock is reentrant
case release(`t`, `x`) => doAcquire()
} label(t, x)
Note: The stay
state can also be used in other context (without indexing). It can e.g. be used
if some side effect is needed, but we want to stay in the current state.
The approach described just above only works if the events submitted to the monitor are exactly the events mentioned in the automaton. If this is not the case we have to filter out the irrelevant events. Consider for example that the LockEvent
type was defined as originally, containing also a CANCEL
trait LockEvent
case class acquire(t: Int, x: Int) extends LockEvent
case class release(t: Int, x: Int) extends LockEvent
case object CANCEL extends LockEvent
However, we do not want to take this event into consideration.
For the above automaton to work we must filter out the CANCEL
event. This can be done by overriding the relevant
method, as done in the following version of the monitor.
class AcquireReleaseTextBookLogic extends Monitor[LockEvent] {
override def keyOf(event: LockEvent): Option[Int] = ... // as above
override def relevant(event: LockEvent): Boolean = {
event match {
case acquire(_, _) | release(_, _) => true
case _ => false
def doAcquire(): state =
wnext {
case acquire(t, x) => doRelease(t, x)
def doRelease(t: Int, x: Int) =
next {
case release(`t`, `x`) => doAcquire()
Error handing in monitors can be done in a number of ways.
Once monitoring is done (assuming end()
is called, but even before), one can call
the getErrorCount
method on the monitor to determine how many errors occurred, and
if any, perform a proper action:
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val m = new Monitors // now monitoring two submonitors
m.verify(acquire(1, 10))
m.verify(release(1, 10))
if (m.getErrorCount > 0) { /* action */ }
One can of course write error handling code in the transitions themselves, as in:
class AcquireRelease extends Monitor[Event] {
def handleError() { /* action */ }
always {
case acquire(t, x) =>
hot {
case acquire(_,`x`) =>
handleError() // handle the error
error // and return the error state
case release(`t`,`x`) => ok
Finally, one can override the callBack()
method defined in the Monitor
This method will be automatically called upon detection of an error. It does not need to
be called explicitly.
class AcquireRelease extends Monitor[Event] {
override def callBack() { /* action */ }
always {
case acquire(t, x) =>
hot {
case acquire(_,`x`) =>
error // call callBack() and return the error state
case release(`t`,`x`) => ok
Daut is extensible in the sense that one can define new temporal operators/patterns. We shall here mention two ways of doing this, namely repsectively as a (monitor) class or as a function. We shall illustrate the concepts on an example concerning a radio, which can be opened and closed, and over which messages can be sent, and received at the other end.
The event type covers opening and closing the radio, as well as sending messages over the radio, which are then hopefully received at the other end:
trait RadioEvent
case object Open extends RadioEvent
case object Close extends RadioEvent
case class Send(msg: String) extends RadioEvent
case class Receive(msg: String) extends RadioEvent
The properties we want to check is the following two:
- "An opened radio must eventually be closed."
- "When the radio is open, all sent messages should eventually be received."
Each of these properties follows a pattern. The first is the response pattern: when an event occurs, some other event must occur later. The second is a scope pattern: in between two events (here Open
and Close
) some condition must hold.
The first response pattern can be programmed as a parameterized monitor class, which checks a particular property dependent on the parameters provided to the class. This is done in the following:
class Response[E](e1: E, e2: E) extends Monitor[E] {
always {
case `e1` => hot {
case `e2` => ok
It can then be applied as follows: new Response(Open, Close)
to create a monitor checking that an
is always followed by a Close
(before end()
is called). We shall see this below.
The second scope pattern is programmed as a function that takes two events and a transition function (partial function from events to sets of traces) as arguments:
class NewMonitor[E] extends Monitor[E] {
def between(e1: E, e2: E)(tr: Transitions): state = {
always {
case `e1` =>
unless {
case `e2` => ok
} watch (tr)
The idea is that any monitor that uses this function will now have to extend NewMonitor
instead of Monitor
, and then call this function, a we shall illustrate below.
The function returns a state, which behaves as indicated: it is always the case, that if e1
is observed then the transition tr
will be applied (if matching) to every incoming event, unless and until e2
occurs (not required to occur). The unless
function has the signature:
def unless(ts1: Transitions) watch (ts2: Transitions): state
and checks ts2
repeatedly unless ts1
applies (which does not need to happen). There is a similar:
def until(ts1: Transitions) watch (ts2: Transitions): state
which requires ts1
to eventually trigger.
Note that whatever monitoring is initiated in tr
betweeen e1
and e2
will continue if needed after
. Writing a function that stops tr
after e2
is a non-trivial programming exercise left to the reader.
We can now create a monitor for the second property by extending the NewMonitor
class and
call the function between
, which creates a state, and as we have explained earlier, the first
created state becomes an initial state (as a side effect).
class ReceiveWhenOpen extends NewMonitor[RadioEvent] {
between(Open,Close) {
case Send(m) => hot {
case Receive(`m`) => true
We now create a monitor containing this monitor and an instance of the Response
monitor as submonitors:
class AllMonitors extends Monitor[RadioEvent] {
new Response(Open,Close),
new ReceiveWhenOpen
Finally, we can invoke AllMonitors
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val m = new AllMonitors
m.verify(Send("ignore this message"))
m.verify(Send("I just saw a UFO!")) // violating since not received
m.verify(Send("and ignore this one too"))
Daut offers static option variables in the DautOptions
object that can be set:
DautOptions.DEBUG: Boolean
(static variable): when set to true, causes each monitor step to be printed, including event and resulting set of states. Default is false. -
DautOptions.DEBUG_ALL_EVENTS: Boolean
(static variable): when set to true andDEBUG
is true, causes all events to be reported. If false, only events triggering transitions are shown. Default is false. -
DautOptions.DEBUG_TRACES: Boolean
(static variable): when set to true andDEBUG
is true, causes the trace that lead to a state be printed as part of the state. Default is true. -
DautOptions.PRINT_ERROR_BANNER: Boolean
(static variable): when set to true, when an error occurs, a very big ERROR BANNNER is printed (to make it visible amongst plenty of output). Default is false. -
(static variable): when set to true, every transition leading took
(success) will be reported. Default is false. Transitions will be printed out in color with different colors chosen for different monitors (in a circular manner since the number of colors is limited). -
DautOptions.SHOW_TRANSITIONS: Boolean
(static variable): when set to true, events that trigger transitions are shown. Default is false. -
DautOptions.PRINT_ERRORS_AT_END: Boolean
: when set to true, all error and ok messages are repeated at the end when theend()
menthod is called. Default value is true. This can be useful if Daut messages have been merged with other output from the system under observation. -
DautOptions.RESULT_FILE: String
: the name of the json file into which the result of a monitoring session will be written when theend()
method is called. The default value isdaut-results.json
These options can be set as shown in the following example:
DautOptions.DEBUG = true
DautOptions.PRINT_ERROR_BANNER = false
val m = MyMonitor()
m.STOP_ON_ERROR = true
A specific monitor instance also has options:
(static variable): when set to true, every transition leading took
(success) in the monitor will be reported. Default is false. Transitions will be printed out in color with different colors chosen for different monitors (in a circular manner since the number of colors is limited). -
(static variable): when set to true, events that trigger transitions in the monitor are shown. Default is false. -
: when set to true an error will case the monitor to stop. Default is false. This option is local to each monitor. -
def openOnlineFile(fileName: String): Unit
With this method one can open a jsonl file for online writing of reports (the same stored in the permanent json file). These will be written one json object per line, as they are generated during monitoring. This file can then be read on-the-fly by some other application.
the transition logging can also be controlled with the following methods which set the flag recursively down to sub monitors.
def recordOkTransitions(flag: Boolean = true): Monitor[E]
def showTransitions(flag: Boolean = true): Monitor[E]
When using the options REPORT_OK_TRANSITIONS
in DautOptions
or in a monitor instance a lot of logging reports may be generated. One can cut down on these reports by invoking the:
def silence(): this.type
method, either on a monitor as a whole or on a state specifically. This will cause such looging not to occur in that monitor or that state. Some examples below.
To silence a whole monitor:
class DispatchComplete extends Monitor[Event]:
silence() # silence monitor
case Dispatch(time, cmd, nr) =>
To silence a state:
class DispatchComplete extends Monitor[Event]:
case Dispatch(time, cmd, nr) =>
.silence() # silence the always state
When debugging a monitor with the DautOptions.DEBUG
flag set to true, states will be printed on standard out. For anonymous states we will only get printed what kind of state it is (always
, hot
, ...). We can added information to be printed with the label
function, for example as follows:
always {
case acquire(t, x) =>
hot {
case acquire(_, `x`) => error
case CANCEL | release(`t`, `x`) => ok
} label(t, x)
This will cause hot(1,2)
to be printed instead of just hot
(for values t
=1 and x
It is also, as an alternative, possible to provide the label information to the anonymous state producing functions (always
, hot
, ...) as follows,
with the exact same effect on the debugging information produced as the example above:
always {
case acquire(t, x) =>
hot(t,x) {
case acquire(_, `x`) => error
case CANCEL | release(`t`, `x`) => ok
Consider the example introduced in the section Using Indexing to Speed up Monitors
above. We shall run this example in debug mode and explain the resulting output. We first debug the slow monitor:
class CorrectLock extends SlowLockMonitor {
always {
case acquire(t, x) =>
hot {
case acquire(_, `x`) => error
case CANCEL | release(`t`, `x`) => ok
} label(t, x)
Note that we have added the label(t,x)
to the hot
state. This will cause the debug output to contain terms such as hot(1,100)
. Next, in the main program, we set the DEBUG
flag to true:
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val m = new CorrectLock
DautOptions.DEBUG = true
m.verify(acquire(1, 100))
m.verify(acquire(2, 200))
m.verify(acquire(1, 200)) // error
When we run this program we get the following output:
--- CorrectLock:
--- CorrectLock:
███████╗██████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗
█████╗ ██████╔╝██████╔╝██║ ██║██████╔╝
██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██║ ██║██╔══██╗
███████╗██║ ██║██║ ██║╚██████╔╝██║ ██║
╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝
CorrectLock error # 1
--- CorrectLock:
--- CorrectLock:
Ending Daut trace evaluation for CorrectLock
For each event we get a line indicating what event, e.g ===[acquire(1,100)]===
Next, for each monitor, here we have one: CorrectLock
, we see what states are maintained in the main
state set. For example after the events
and acquire(2,200)
we have the set:
consisting of two hot
states, and the initial always
state. As we can see, all the states are in the same set. After the CANCEL
event we see that this set returns to only contain the always
If we now instead run the example with the fast indexed monitor:
class CorrectLock extends FastLockMonitor {
we get the following output:
--- CorrectLock:
--- CorrectLock:
███████╗██████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗
█████╗ ██████╔╝██████╔╝██║ ██║██████╔╝
██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██║ ██║██╔══██╗
███████╗██║ ██║██║ ██║╚██████╔╝██║ ██║
╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝
CorrectLock error # 1
--- CorrectLock:
--- CorrectLock:
Ending Daut trace evaluation for CorrectLock
Note how the different hot
states are now distributed in different buckets in the indexed hash map. Note also how the always
state is copied to these buckets and is always active.
Suppose we do not label the anonymous hot
state, as in the following where the label has been commented out:
class CorrectLock extends FastLockMonitor {
always {
case acquire(t, x) =>
hot {
case acquire(_, `x`) => error
case CANCEL | release(`t`, `x`) => ok
} // label(t, x)
Then the output will be less informative, and will only tell us what kind of states (always
, hot
, ...) are in the state soups, without any values, as follows:
--- CorrectLock:
--- CorrectLock:
███████╗██████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗
█████╗ ██████╔╝██████╔╝██║ ██║██████╔╝
██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██║ ██║██╔══██╗
███████╗██║ ██║██║ ██║╚██████╔╝██║ ██║
╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝
CorrectLock error # 1
--- CorrectLock:
--- CorrectLock:
Ending Daut trace evaluation for CorrectLock
The following method prints the internal memory of a monitor and can be called at any time during monitoring:
def printStates(): Unit
If DautOptions.DEBUG
is true, this method is automatically called after each event has been processed.
Errors are usually reported by Daut when reaching an error
state or when ending
in a hot
or next
state. In addition, the following methods allow to report errors or just information during monitoring:
def reportError(message: String): Unit
def report(message: String): Unit
The method reportError
reports an error (with a message), causing the error
count to be incremented by 1. The method report
just reports some information,
which is not considered an error.
This section describes various ways of observing the results of a monitor.
We shall first introduce an example. See src/test/scala/daut51_results/Main.scala for the complete example discussed in this section. The following requirements must be satisfied.
Commands are identified by a task id and a command number. Commands are dispatched for execution on a processor, replied to (acknowledgement of dispatch received), and completed.
- Dispatch
- Monotonic Command numbers must increase by 1 for each dispatch.
- DispatchReplyComplete When a command is dispatched by a task, it must be replied to without a dispatch in between, and this must be followed by a completion.
- Completion
- A command number can not complete more than once.
The following monitor implements this requirements. It could be made less verbose by combining monitors, but the objective here is to illustrate result generation and for that we need several monitors, including sub monitors.
We first define a super monitor CommandMonitor
which overrides the method
, which for each event identifies what is called the instance id.
Instance ids are useful for understanding output to identify what instance of an event sequence is being monitored by a certain state of the monitor. Technically the keyOf
function which can be overridden by the user identifies such instance ids. However, keyOf
is used for optimizing the monitoring using indexes. In our case here we just want to identify such keys for structuring the results of monitoring so that they are easier to comprehend. In our example we want to use the command number as the instance id for a monitor. This way it will be easier in the generated reports to track what happens with a particular command number. We could alternatively also have chosen the task id. It depends on the situation. Note that instance ids do not need to be defined. In this case all instance ids are "N/A".
sealed trait Event
case class DispatchRequest(taskId: Int, cmdNum: Int) extends Event
case class DispatchReply(taskId: Int, cmdNum: Int) extends Event
case class CommandCompleted(taskId: Int, cmdNum: Int) extends Event
class CommandMonitor extends Monitor[Event] {
override def instanceOf(event: Event): Option[Any] = {
event match {
case DispatchRequest(_, cmdNum) => Some(cmdNum)
case DispatchReply(_, cmdNum) => Some(cmdNum)
case CommandCompleted(_, cmdNum) => Some(cmdNum)
class MonotonicMonitor extends CommandMonitor {
always {
case DispatchRequest(_, cmdNum1) =>
watch(s"$cmdNum1 seen, next should be ${cmdNum1 + 1}") {
case DispatchRequest(_, cmdNum2) =>
ensure(cmdNum2 == cmdNum1 + 1)
class DispatchReplyCompleteMonitor extends CommandMonitor {
always {
case DispatchRequest(taskId, cmdNum) =>
hot(s"reply to $cmdNum") {
case DispatchRequest(`taskId`, `cmdNum`) => error
case DispatchReply(`taskId`, `cmdNum`) =>
hot(s"complete $cmdNum") {
case CommandCompleted(`taskId`, `cmdNum`) => ok
class DispatchMonitor extends CommandMonitor {
monitor(MonotonicMonitor(), DispatchReplyCompleteMonitor())
class CompletionMonitor extends CommandMonitor {
always {
case CommandCompleted(_, cmdNum) => NoMoreCompletions(cmdNum)
case class NoMoreCompletions(cmdNum: Int) extends state {
watch {
case CommandCompleted(_, `cmdNum`) => error
class Monitors extends CommandMonitor {
If we apply this monitor as follows:
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val monitor = new Monitors
monitor(DispatchRequest(1, 1))
monitor(DispatchRequest(1, 1))
monitor(DispatchReply(1, 1))
monitor(CommandCompleted(1, 1))
monitor(DispatchRequest(1, 3))
monitor(DispatchReply(1, 3))
The following output is generated, here only showing the summary at the end of monitoring. These reports are also generated during monitoring, but may interleave with other output from the monitored program.
Summary of Daut Reports:
*** DAUT TRANSITION ERROR in state seen, next should be 2)
Event number 2: DispatchRequest(1,1)
State: always, EventNr: 1, Event: DispatchRequest(1,1)
State: watch(1 seen, next should be 2), EventNr: 2, Event: DispatchRequest(1,1)
*** DAUT TRANSITION ERROR in state seen, next should be 2)
Event number 5: DispatchRequest(1,3)
State: always, EventNr: 2, Event: DispatchRequest(1,1)
State: watch(1 seen, next should be 2), EventNr: 5, Event: DispatchRequest(1,3)
*** DAUT TRANSITION ERROR in state to 1)
Event number 2: DispatchRequest(1,1)
State: always, EventNr: 1, Event: DispatchRequest(1,1)
State: hot(reply to 1), EventNr: 2, Event: DispatchRequest(1,1)
*** DAUT OMISSION ERROR in state 3)
State: always, EventNr: 5, Event: DispatchRequest(1,3)
State: hot(reply to 3), EventNr: 6, Event: DispatchReply(1,3)
Daut Error Status per Monitor:
Monitors : 0, sum = 4
DispatchMonitor : 0, sum = 4
MonotonicMonitor : 2
DispatchReplyCompleteMonitor : 2
CompletionMonitor : 0
The reader can try and understand why these error reports are generated.
Note that the error count for a super monitor includes the count specifically for that monitor, as well as the sum of counts for this monitor and the sub monitors recursively. The output is nested according to the nesting of the sub monitors.
In addition a JSON file is generated, written to the .json
file indicated by the DautOptions.RESULT_FILE
, which has the optional value daut-results.json
This file is shown below. It represents a map from monitor names to instance maps. An instance map maps each instance id to a sequence of reports for that instance id in that monitor.
"CompletionMonitor": {},
"DispatchMonitor": {},
"DispatchReplyCompleteMonitor": {
"1": [
"$type": "daut.TransitionErrorReport",
"monitor": "DispatchReplyCompleteMonitor",
"state": "hot(reply to 1)",
"eventNr": 2,
"event": "DispatchRequest(1,1)",
"instance": "1",
"trace": [
"state": "always",
"eventNr": 1,
"event": "DispatchRequest(1,1)"
"state": "hot(reply to 1)",
"eventNr": 2,
"event": "DispatchRequest(1,1)"
"msg": []
"3": [
"$type": "daut.OmissionErrorReport",
"monitor": "DispatchReplyCompleteMonitor",
"state": "hot(complete 3)",
"instance": "3",
"trace": [
"state": "always",
"eventNr": 5,
"event": "DispatchRequest(1,3)"
"state": "hot(reply to 3)",
"eventNr": 6,
"event": "DispatchReply(1,3)"
"Monitors": {},
"MonotonicMonitor": {
"1": [
"$type": "daut.TransitionErrorReport",
"monitor": "MonotonicMonitor",
"state": "watch(1 seen, next should be 2)",
"eventNr": 2,
"event": "DispatchRequest(1,1)",
"instance": "1",
"trace": [
"state": "always",
"eventNr": 1,
"event": "DispatchRequest(1,1)"
"state": "watch(1 seen, next should be 2)",
"eventNr": 2,
"event": "DispatchRequest(1,1)"
"msg": []
"$type": "daut.TransitionErrorReport",
"monitor": "MonotonicMonitor",
"state": "watch(1 seen, next should be 2)",
"eventNr": 5,
"event": "DispatchRequest(1,3)",
"instance": "1",
"trace": [
"state": "always",
"eventNr": 2,
"event": "DispatchRequest(1,1)"
"state": "watch(1 seen, next should be 2)",
"eventNr": 5,
"event": "DispatchRequest(1,3)"
"msg": []
It is possible when indicating an ok
or error
to pass a JSON message: a
string that starts with "json" and then is followed by a JSON object. This is shown below
for the error
class DispatchReplyCompleteMonitor extends CommandMonitor {
always {
case DispatchRequest(taskId, cmdNum) =>
hot(s"reply to $cmdNum") {
case DispatchRequest(`taskId`, `cmdNum`) =>
{ "taskId": $taskId,
"cmdNr": $cmdNr
case DispatchReply(`taskId`, `cmdNum`) =>
hot(s"complete $cmdNum") {
case CommandCompleted(`taskId`, `cmdNum`) => ok
This will then be stored in the JSON file of reports as a JSON object. If just a normal
text message is passed it will be stored as such. If no message is passed it will be
stored as JSON's null
Above we overrode the instanceOf
method to identify instances. There is an explicit case by case alternative way to do this. As already shown, state defining methods, such as hot
, watch
, next
, wnext
, can take a list of arguments, which will be used to label these states. If the first element of such a value list is ID(e)
for some expression e
, the value of e
will be used as instance id for the state.
Note that if no id is defined for a target state, it inherits the id from the source state. Hence with these explicit methods it is only necessary to indicate the id once, as e.g. in:
class DispatchReplyCompleteMonitor extends CommandMonitor {
always {
case DispatchRequest(taskId, cmdNum) =>
hot(ID(cmdNum), s"reply to $cmdNum") {
case DispatchRequest(`taskId`, `cmdNum`) => error
case DispatchReply(`taskId`, `cmdNum`) =>
hot(s"complete $cmdNum") {
case CommandCompleted(`taskId`, `cmdNum`) => ok
It is possible to control how events are reported by overriding the following method:
protected def renderEventAs(event: E): Option[String] = None
By default, when applied to an event e
, it returns None
, which means that the event will be printed
as the default e.toString()
. The user can override the method to instead return Some(s)
for various events, resulting in the event as being rendered as s
instead. This can e.g. be used to highlight certain arguments to the event, or/and filter out arguments.
After each submission of an event to a monitor one can access the status of the monitor and its sub monitors and abstract monitors with the following collection of methods.
First of all, the following methods return respectively the direct sub monitors, the direct abstract montitors, and all the sub and abstract monitors reccursively for a monitor:
def getDirectSubMonitors: List[Monitor[E]]
def getDirectAbstractMonitors: List[Monitor[?]]
def getAllSubAbsMonitors: List[Monitor[?]]
The following method returns true if a transition triggered in the monitor, not including its sub monitors:
def transitionTriggered: Boolean
One can access all the states in the memory of the monitor, not including sub monitors, with the following method, which returns a set of states. The type of
states is also shown, including some methods available to access the contents of a state. getInstanceIdString
returns a string version of getInstanceId
with None
replaced by "N/A".
def getAllStates: Set[state]
trait state
def getName: String
def getInstanceId: Option[Any]
def getInstanceIdString: String
def getTrace: List[TraceEvent]
case class TraceEvent(state: String, eventNr: Long, event: String)
The following methods yield the error count for this monitor, respectively for this monitor and all its sub monitors. Two methods furthermore provide these numbers for just the most recent event.
def getErrorCountForThisMonitor: Int
def getErrorCount
def getLatestErrorCountForThisMonitor: Int
def getLatestErrorCount: Int
The following method returns a flat map from monitor names to the total error counts from start of monitoring:
def getErrorStatusMap: Map[String, Int]
The following method returns a summary of the result of monitoring::
def getErrorStatus(): ErrorStatus
case class ErrorStatus(
monitorName: String,
errorCount: Int,
errorCountSum: Int,
errorStatusOfSubMonitors: List[ErrorStatus],
errorStatusOfAbstractMonitors: List[ErrorStatus])
An ErrorStatus
contains the name of the monitor, the number of errors for the monitor, and the sum of errors including also sub monitors, and similar results for all sub monitors as well as all abstract monitors connected to via calls of
the monitorAbstraction
Finally, we can get the reports produced for this monitor, respectively for this monitor and all its sub monitors. Two methods furthermore provide these reports for just the most recent event.
def getReportsForThisMonitor: List[Report]
def getReports: List[Report]
def getLatestReportsForThisMonitor: List[Report]
def getLatestReports: List[Report]
Here Report
is a super type (trait) with the following subtypes:
trait Report
case class TransitionErrorReport(monitor: String, state: String, eventNr: Long, event: String, instance: String, trace: List[TraceEvent], msg: Option[String]) extends Report
case class TransitionOkReport(monitor: String, state: String, eventNr: Long, event: String, instance: String, trace: List[TraceEvent], msg: Option[String]) extends Report
case class OmissionErrorReport(monitor: String, state: String, instance: String, trace: List[TraceEvent]) extends Report
case class UserErrorReport(monitor: String, state: String, eventNr: Long, event: String, instance: String, trace: List[TraceEvent], msg: String) extends Report
case class UserReport(monitor: String, state: String, eventNr: Long, event: String, instance: String, trace: List[TraceEvent], msg: String) extends Report
Daut can be applied to read JSON objects from an input file written to by a concurrentlty executing task (online monitoring).
See daut42_json.Main
To generate a script to run this program:
generateRunScript daut42_json.Main
Now, one can execute:
cat src/test/scala/daut42_json/file1.jsonl| ./ ✔ 3239 16:33:36
Read: {"id" : "dispatch", "task_id" : 1, "cmd_nr" : 1, "cmd_type": "START", "args": [1,2,3]}
Read: {"id" : "reply", "task_id" : 1, "cmd_nr" : 1, "cmd_type": "START"}
Read: {"id" : "complete", "task_id" : 1, "cmd_nr" : 1, "cmd_type": "START", "data": {"time": 10, "memory": 100}}
Read: {"id" : "dispatch", "task_id" : 2, "cmd_nr" : 1, "cmd_type": "START", "args": [4,5,6]}
Read: {"id" : "reply", "task_id" : 2, "cmd_nr" : 1, "cmd_type": "START"}
Read: {"id" : "complete", "task_id" : 2, "cmd_nr" : 1, "cmd_type": "START", "data": {"time": 20, "memory": 200}}
Read: {"id" : "complete", "task_id" : 2, "cmd_nr" : 1, "cmd_type": "START", "data": {"time": 20, "memory": 200}}
trigger event: Dispatch(2,1,START) event number 4
current event: Complete(2,1,START) event number 7
CommandMonitor error # 1
Daut was developed by Klaus Havelund ( with contributions by Nicolas Rouquette (