Statically typed wrappers for various markup lanuages - grapvhiz, svg, openscad, latex. Allows easier generation - library takes care of as much edge cases as possible, and composition - instead of ropes and string interpolation all over the place you can use (somewhat) statically typed API with lots of helper functions.
nimble install hasts
Most of the markup ast nodes has lots of fields - providing
parametetric constructor functions for all of them would be really
tedious to implement. Instead withIt
template from
hmisc/algo/halgorithm might be used for constructing ast element and
setting all fields immediately.
import hasts/graphviz_ast
import hmisc/algo/halgorithm
var g = makeDotGraph()
g.styleNode.shape = nsaEgg
for i in 0 .. 5:
g.addEdge makeEdge(i, i * 2)
g.addNode makeNode(i, "Position " & $i).withIt do:
it.height = i.float
echo g
digraph G { node[shape=egg]; t0[label="Position 0"]; t1[label="Position 1", height=1.0]; t2[label="Position 2", height=2.0]; t3[label="Position 3", height=3.0]; t4[label="Position 4", height=4.0]; t5[label="Position 5", height=5.0]; t0 -> t0; t1 -> t2; t2 -> t4; t3 -> t6; t4 -> t8; t5 -> t10; }
Parially implemented (not 100% coverage, but most important parts are present)
- graphviz
- openscad
- svg
- html
- latex
- latex math
- pandoc
- [ ] REFACTOR: use regular strings instead of ropes for AST conversion.
Most of the features in the library are implemented on as-needed basis. If you have any question about implementation details or API free to join my discord server and ask questions there.