Hazelcast Cluster lifecycle manager for native client tests. Server container and language clients provide easy management of server side from clients
- Create a cluster with a provided xml config
- Start a Member in the configured cluster
- Shutdown a member
- Terminate a member
- Remote script execution on the container
The documentation of the Cloud API is here; https://cloud.hazelcast.com/v1/api/explorer
Cloud credentials should be added as an env variable; baseUrl, apiKey, apiSecret; e.g. baseUrl=https://uat.hazelcast.cloud
- Create Standard and SSL enabled/disabled hazelcast cloud cluster
- Stop/Resume/Delete/Get cloud cluster
- Scale up/down cloud cluster
Project uses Apache Thrift to provide multi language support.
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Hazelcast Remote Controller is available under the Apache 2 License.
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Visit www.hazelcast.com for more info.