This Project is a pet project which is insipred by simp[le-bug-tracker as mentioned in reference
- To Set up MySQL Docker image
docker run -d -p 3306:3306 --name=simple-bug-db --env="MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root" --env="MYSQL_PASSWORD=root" --env="MYSQL_DATABASE=simple-bug" mysql
- To Setup MySQL DB via docker compose
docker-compose -f docker/docker-mysql.yml up --remove-orphans
- To Setup Sonar via docker compose
docker-compose -f docker/docker-sonar.yml up --remove-orphans
- To backup sonar report run below command from project home directory
docker exec docker_db_1 /bin/bash -c "export PGPASSWORD=sonar && /usr/bin/pg_dump -U sonar sonar" > sonar-backup\backup.sql
- To restore sonar report run below command from project home directory
# For Windows
type sonar-backup\backup.sql | docker exec -i docker_db_1 /bin/bash -c "export PGPASSWORD=sonar && /usr/bin/psql -U sonar sonar"
# For Linux
cat sonar-backup\backup.sql | docker exec -i docker_db_1 /bin/bash -c "export PGPASSWORD=sonar && /usr/bin/psql -U sonar sonar"
# To run Sonar scan make sure to get update from backup.sql and generate new one post scan
mvn clean install sonar:sonar
- Which inspired me to build this app
- For Implementing token based Spring security
- for enabling Secured annotation for role-based security
- which I referred a lot for all my JPA related Queries.
- Almost for Every setup in this entire project i did end up here
- for JUnit around Spring Security
- To Setup sonar for local machine to have better code quality
- To have sonar report backup which can be used whenever we bring back the Sonar compose up and run maven report
- To restore sonar report post bringing docker compose up and use the same data
- For using lookup table
- 2020.06.07
- Removed the complete logic of updating Bug History table as it is error prone, need to find an alternative to get that fixed
- Removed the support for multiLingual as need to find alternative of Using MessageSource along with ConfigurableProperties
- Adding the logic to update existing bug and Junit around that to reach coverage of 28% as per Sonar
- 2020.06.06
- Moving away from @version on modifiedOn field to a dedicated field to avoid various issues as mentioned at
- 2020.06.05
- Updating JUnit and reached upto ~25% coverage as per Sonar
- Add Endpoint to add Bug which is accessible to all type of user
- 2020.06.02
- Updating JUnit and reached upto 17% coverage as per Sonar
- 2020.06.01
- Updating JUnit
- Earlier Jococo report was not getting scanned by Sonar, so updating the pom to achieve the same.
- 2020.05.27
- Use of MapStruct for mapping RO to EO
- Use JPA inheritance to reduce no. of Database tables
- 2020.05
- Change in the version pattern, will use YYYY.MM and adding .DD for patch release
- Leverage the new Secured annotation
- Updating JUnit for UserController
- 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- Initial release