GoMota is a mass upgrade tool for Tasmota devices. For each execution, multiple devices on the specified network can be upgraded one version, according to the specified - or default - upgrade path.
This is a tool built out of need, by someone still learning the language.
Latest version in the default upgrade path is 11.1.0
$ ./bin/gomota -h
Usage of ./bin/gomota:
--debug Enable debugging
--network string Network to scan in network/prefix notation (default "")
--password string Tasmota password
--upgrade-path string Firmware upgrade path (default "1.0.11,3.9.22,4.2.0,5.14.0,6.7.1,7.2.0,8.5.1,9.1.0,10.1.0,11.1.0")
--username string Tasmota username
$ ./bin/gomota --network --username admin --password MySecretPassword