is a wrapper for scripts that are used to:
- browse 2kb upstream and downstream regions of the targets mentioned in the input bed file
- identify guide sequences with PAM sites
- mapping the guides across the genome to identify potential off target
- match pairs of guide from upstream and downstream the target to filter them on the basis of GC content
- parse the alignment map to filter and sort on the basis of PAM, mismatches and GC content
- Subset top 4 pairs of non-redundant guide RNA pairs
- Install bowtie, samtools
- Create a src directory
mkdir src
cd src
gunzip GCF_003668045.1_CriGri-PICR_genomic.fna.gz
mv GCF_003668045.1_CriGri-PICR_genomic.fna picr.fa
- Create fasta index with samtools for the reference sequence
samtools faidx picr.fa
- Create bowtie index for reference sequence
bowtie-build picr.fa picr
./ -bed <input bed file>
Input bed file: Its a tab separated text file with ".bed" extension
chr | start | stop | name | score | strand |