Announcement-This project has been deprecated. Please use new project asv-mavlink
Mavlink library for .NET Framework 4.6.1, .NET5.0, .NET 6.0, Mono (support MAVLinkV2 packets)
You can control vehicles, that support MAVLink protocol.
Generate C# code for packet serialization\deserialization
Asv.Mavlink.Shell.exe gen -t=all.xml -i=messages -o=src/Asv.Mavlink/Connection/Dialects -e=cs src/Asv.Mavlink.Shell/Resources/csharp.tpl
You can create your own code generator for any language by writing template file (.tpl) with liquid syntax
Example packet statistic:
Asv.Mavlink.Shell.exe mavlink --cs=tcp://
Project is maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines.