A device made using an RP2040 that sends messages over LoRaWAN.
The current progress of the project can be found here
- A Challenger RP2040 LoRa - 868MHz
- A LoRa Antenna with Pigtail - 868MHz Black
- A 3.7V 1800mAh Lipo Battery
- A Custom PCB
- A 0.96" 128x64 I2C Blue and Yellow OLED Display
- And a USB C Cable
Open the project in vim using tinygo flags.
tinygo-edit --target challenger-rp2040 --editor bash
Upload to the device
tinygo flash -target challenger-rp2040 pico/main.go
Runs the project without the device.
nix-shell local/shell.nix --command "go run local/main.go