Task: Write a program that plays 10 iterations of Rock, Paper, Scissors (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock-paper-scissors). There should be two modes of play, one fair, where both players should play always randomly, another unfair, where one player should always play randomly, the other should always choose rock. The mode should be asked at the beginning of the iterations through command line. It should show each player's play and the outcome of every game (iteration), and at the end of the iterations, how many games each player has won and how many were a draw. This output should go to console or a file. This should be asked through command line as well.
Before running the application, if you need to, you can modify the configuration file to specify for example these parameters
#output mode: log, file
#game mode: fair, unfair, online
#base dir for the results
#player names
#second player url
or override them using the command line
mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.arguments="--app.outputMode=log --app.gameMode=fair"
Run the game-client application (spring-boot application) and provide 'online' game mode
- game-client: rest controller covered with @WebFluxTest
- rock-paper-scissors: fileResultService and strategyProvider are covered with unit tests
- MockWebServer added to mock http responses