Source Type:Open Source Charge Type:free of charge
An open source multimedia parser based on the Qt framework, just like mp4info tool on Windows platform.
MediaParser is released under the terms of the Apache-2.0 license. See License for more information.
Before starting build process, QT enviroment should be installed.
brew install qt
After QT installed, make sure which qmake
will output the right path for qmake command.
git clone
cd MediaParser
mkdir -p build
cd build
qmake ..
make -j8
After build process finished, there is a target app named
Instead of building app from sources, you can download app directly from release.
The architecture about the media file will be listed in the left frame of the, after pressed "open file" to specify the input file.
Public technical discussion on github is preferred. Post your bugs or questions at Issues.