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strand edited this page Aug 13, 2011 · 5 revisions

You will need to have the following installed to work with this app:

  • git
  • rvm
  • ruby 1.9.2 inside of rvm
  • heroku gem
  • rails commit 741151c2754a616d9d04b790f566003fd03fdf5f

Basic workflow:

  1. optionally, pull from github to make sure you're working with the most recent source
  2. start the app up using rails s
  3. make the changes you want to test, and get them all done good and proper like locally
  4. commit the changes using your interface of choice (gitx or command line or github for mac are nice)
  5. pull again and deal with merge conflicts
  6. push to github
  7. push to heroku
Clone this wiki locally