Mongo Index Analyser is a tool to look though the mongo profile collection in order to analyse the use of indexes.
It can report the following information:
- The number of times each index is used in a query (sub-queries are counted individually)
- The queries that were executed and did not use an index (either a COLLSCAN or a SORT occured)
First turn on profiling on your mongod instance from the mongo shell:
use somedatabase;
Then copy and paste the contents of indexStats.js into the shell and run
If you want to increase the size of the profile collection from its default which is small:
use yourdatabase;
db.createCollection("system.profile", {capped: true, size: yourprofilesize})
On a replicaset you need to do setProfilingLevel on all members seperately, and they all log to their own profile collection (even though the drop/create commands are mirrored from the primary)
This was tested on mongo 3.0. Your mileage may vary on other versions, and generally :)