Must use at least two server-side APIs
Must use a CSS framework other than Bootstrap
Must be interactive (i.e: accept and respond to user input)
Use at least one new third-party API
Must have a polished UI
Must meet good quality coding standards
Does not use alerts, confirms or prompts (look into modals)
Must be deployed to GitHub Pages
Use this project presentation template to address the following:
Elevator pitch: a one minute description of your application
Concept: What is your user story? What was your motivation for development?
Process: What were the technologies used? How were tasks and roles broken down and assigned? What challenges did you encounter? What were your successes?
Demo: Show your stuff!
Directions for Future Development
Links to the deployed application and the GitHub repository
Metric | Weight |
Concept | 10% |
Design | 20% |
Functionality | 30% |
Collaboration | 30% |
Presentation | 10% |
You are required to submit the following:
The URL of the deployed application
The URL of the GitHub repository