Find key colors in images.
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.1")
guard let image = UIImage(named: "My Image") else { return }
let color: Color? = try await image.keyColor()
let colors: [Color] = try await image.keyColors(3)
If the image is monochrome no colors will be returned.
The default saturation and brightness thresholds are at 50%.
extension UIImage {
func keyColor(
minSaturation: CGFloat = 0.5,
minBrightness: CGFloat = 0.5,
resolution: CGSize? = CGSize(width: 100, height: 100),
interpolation: Graphic.ResolutionInterpolation = .lanczos
) async throws -> Color?
func keyColors(
_ maxCount: Int,
minSaturation: CGFloat = 0.5,
minBrightness: CGFloat = 0.5,
resolution: CGSize? = CGSize(width: 100, height: 100),
interpolation: Graphic.ResolutionInterpolation = .lanczos
) async throws -> [Color]
Both UIImage and NSImage are supported.
extension Graphic {
func keyPixelColor(
minSaturation: CGFloat = 0.5,
minBrightness: CGFloat = 0.5,
resolution: CGSize? = CGSize(width: 100, height: 100),
interpolation: Graphic.ResolutionInterpolation = .lanczos
) async throws -> PixelColor?
func keyPixelColors(
_ maxCount: Int,
minSaturation: CGFloat = 0.5,
minBrightness: CGFloat = 0.5,
resolution: CGSize? = CGSize(width: 100, height: 100),
interpolation: Graphic.ResolutionInterpolation = .lanczos
) async throws -> [PixelColor]
Powered by PixelColor and AsyncGraphics