DEXM (Deus EX Machina) is a TEFSM (Time Embeded Finite State Machine) implementation.
just include dist/dexm.js in your page
-- or --
load it via UMD (Require JS) or CommonJS + browserify.
Just invoke the factory method with a name for your FSM and eventually options
var m1 = DEXM('my-machine' /*, options */);
The second parameter 'options' is a ket/value pairs object :
- tickDelay : default 100 milliseconds
- timeTolerance : default 10 milliseconds
The 'def' method is here, to be chained with 'on' calls for your transitions, like this :
.on('a', 's2')
.on('b', 's3')
.on(eventName, stateName);
.on('b', 's2')
.on('a', 's3');
.on('a', 's1');
initialize with "go", then call "accept" :
Those are custom actions triggered on entering and on leaving a given state, just use "from" and "to" methods at definition time :
.on('a', 's1')
.from('s1', function() { console.loe('entering...'); })
.to('s3', function() { console.loe('leaving...'); })
These methods can accept as first argument :
- a statename
- an array of statenames
- a wildcard '*' for all states
Sometime you may want to achieve a transition after a certain time delay, use in this case the "timeout" method in your definitions :
.on('a', 's1')
.on('b', 's2')
.timeout('s3', 3000) // in milliseconds
.from(['s1', 's2'], function() { ... })
.to('*'], function() { ... });
This behavior is backed, of course, with setInterval and clearInterval of the window object.
Enjoy !
- error (bad transition) callback
- halt method for time scheduled transitions
- add internal stack for basic compiling purposes
- hierarchical FSM def('...').sub(another_fsm)
- test, test & retest (the traffic lights demo)