This project is to automatically provide restful API for stored procedures in a SQL Server database.
First install the package.
npm install restful-stored-procedure
Code example:
const express = require('express');
const createRoutes = require('restful-stored-procedure');
const server = express();
// Here add your own middle ware and other routes if needed.
// Create config object.
const config= {
"user": "user",
"password": "password",
"server": "server",
"database": "your database",
"port": 1433
// Call createRoutes with server and the config.
createRoutes(server, config);
server.listen(8080, ()=>{
console.log('Server start listing at port 8080');
You can now access the database with restiful API at port 8080.
It's also possible to only generate routes for certain schema by including a third argument to createRoutes.
createRoutes(server, config, ['dbo','web']);
First install the package globally.
npm install restful-stored-procedure -g
create a config.json file with contents
"user": "user",
"password": "password",
"server": "server",
"database": "your database",
"port": 1433
Run the command
rest-sp -f path/to/config.json -p httpport
or if you put config.json in root folder and use port 8080, simply:
An Express server is set up to receive restiful API calls.
Execute a stored procedure with given parameters.
POST /sp/schema.procedureName
Json body:
{"parameters": {"param1": value1, "param2": value2 } }
Get detailed argument information about a stored procedure
GET /sp/schema.procedureName
List all available stored procedure
GET /sp/list