Contains multiple small projects illustrating concepts related to coding server-side Swift.
The commit descriptions can be read in sequence for more details.
This project illustrates how to:
- handle routes and parse different types of parameteres; and
- make templates (using stencils) to separate UI code from our swift server code.
This project illustrates how to pair a backend database (using CouchDB) so that our our webserver routes result in actions on the database by allowing the user to:
- create a poll
- list all the available polls
- vote for a poll
- delete a poll
The dependencies are imported as specified in the Package.swift of each project:
- Kitura - An HTTP server and web framework for writing Swift server applications.
- HeliumLogger - A simple, lightweight logging framework for Swift.
- StencilTemplateEngine - A simple and powerful template language for Swif. Templates allow you to create HTML in a file outside of your Swift sourcecode to help keep your UI separate from your controller code.
- CouchDB A noSQL document-oriented database where data is stored as JSON blobs, suitable for web processing / handling.
- SwiftyJSON Makes parsing JSON in Swift a breeze!
- Attended the 2017 Forward Swift Server-Side Swift workshop with Paul Hudson.