This library can be used with several of the mini inexpensive WiFi video drones you can get nowadays. It's confirmed working with the fq777-954, but should also work with the Cheerson CX-10W and a few others running similar firmware. It allows control of the drone as well as access to the video stream.
This has been tested on python 2.7 (and should eventually be ported to work with python3)
The control should work out of the box, but video requires gstreamer which can be setup by following the instructions here:
The video also requires OpenCV installed with the python bindings.
Finally pygame needs to be installed.
You can run the pygame keyboard controller simply by calling python
The video streaming isn't perfect and has some artifacting and delays. On the app, the artifacting isn't present, so there should be a way to fix it.
Also it uses python's threading module which isn't true threading due to the GIL and should use processes instread.
This repo is forked from here: