Takes a daily snapshot of the primary disk without any user input
Deletes all snapshots that are older than 7 days (default)
[OPTIONAL] Snapshots can be kept for > 7 days
Usage: ./snapshot.sh [-d <days>] Options: -d Number of days to keep snapshots. Snapshots older than this number deleted. Default if not set: 7 [OPTIONAL]
must be installed -
The VM must have the sufficient gcloud permissions, including "compute" set to "enabled":
- Only works for the primary disk on VM
- Only manages snapshots created by the script
Load the script on to the VM (do not run it from a remote source)
Create a
directory for allcron
outputs -
Change group to "adm":
# chgrp adm /var/log/cron/snapshot.log
Change permissions on the "snapshot.log" file:
# chmod 664 /var/log/cron/snapshot.log
Run the script from a cronjob. Note this must be done as whatever user has access to
gcloud compute
(usually the Google user that created the VM):0 05 * * * /path/to/snapshot.sh >> /var/log/cron/snapshot.log 2>&1
Add the
directory folder to logrotate:/etc/logrotate.d/cron
/var/log/cron/*.log { daily missingok rotate 14 compress notifempty create 664 root adm sharedscripts }
If you download the script and open it on a Windows machine, that may add windows character's to the file: jacksegal#1.