The script are available in R and Python languages and were developed by the HELCOM Secretariat between 2015 and 2018. The aims of the scripts are to cleaning the AIS data (pre-processing) as well as to generate maps and statistics of the traffic in the Baltic Sea Region.
The scripts available are:
Script 1. Pre_processing_AIS.R: the first one is to pre-process decoded AIS data using divisions. The mother file of data (yearly file of a given year) is divided in small divisions and each of these divisions are preprocessed and statistics (called reports) are generated for each divisions (number of duplicated signals, wrong IMO numbers, etc.). The script is finally merging the cleaned AIS data into monthly files.
Script 2. Merging statistics.R: the second one aims to merge the statistics produced by the first script for a given year. It gives monthly statistics as well as yearly statistics.
Script 3. Shiplist from AIS monthly files.R: the third script will produce shiplist for a certain year based on the AIS monthly files for the script #1.
Script 4. Generate_events.R: this fourth script will generate events: it will produce the events such as the trips between ports, the calls in ports, the entrance and the exit of the Baltic Sea. For this script, a shape file is needed with the ports polygons.
Script 5. Produce lines id.R: this script aims to generate the trips between the ports used in in the next script to produce the density maps. A shape file is also needed for this script, it contains the ports polygons (same as for the Script 4).
Script 6. It converts monthly AIS point data, the result of the previous operation, to lines features in shapefile format for each month. It assumes that there is a folder 01_trips and 02_lines under each year and thateach file contains the name of the month.
Script 7. It divides the lines shapefiles according to the 8 ship types. It assumes that there is a folder 03_lines_by_shiptype. The script makes a folder for each ship type.
Script 8. It creates a raster file for each ship type in multiprocessing. It assumes that there is a folder with the line shapefiles for each ship type; a folder 04_rasters and a grid Grid1km_BalticSea.shp with the 1x1 km INSPIRE compliant grid.
The underlying AIS data processing work has been co-financed by EU projects Baltic Scope (2015-2017 EASME/EMFF/2014/ and Baltic Lines (2016-2019, Interreg Baltic Sea Region). For more information, please check the HELCOM Maritime Assessment on Maritime Activities published in 2018 at The methodology is available in the annexes.
License: GNU General Public License V3