This is a python library and command line tool to efficiently manage the storage of file trees within Amazon S3.
virtualenv python-venv
./python-venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
The unit tests need access to S3, and an empty S3 bucket to use. These are set through environment variables:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=...
export S3TS_BUCKET=... an empty s3 bucket ...
PYTHONPATH=./src ./python-venv/bin/python test/
There is also a simple test script to exercise the commmand line interface. It is a bit simplistic currently - it also requires an empty S3 bucket, but leaves content in it on exit (which you will need to clean out manually with the AWS web console).
sh -x test/
This builds a zip file than includes s3ts and it's dependencies.
./python-venv/bin/python tools/
It can be run directly from the command line:
python dist/ --help
See the wiki for more information.