See AWS Docs for details
You'll need a dynamoDB table to run this bot - configure it and record the table name in parameter store under /wikimedia_bot/table_name
The following parameter store keys need to be populated:
- /wikimedia_bot/mastodon/access_key
- /wikimedia_bot/mastodon/base_url
- /wikimedia_bot/twitter/api_key
- /wikimedia_bot/twitter/api_key_secret
- /wikimedia_bot/twitter/access_token
- /wikimedia_bot/twitter/access_token_secret
- /wikimedia_bot/table_name
You'll have to create a Twitter Project and generate API keys and access tokens. See Twitter Docs for details.
Create a new Mastodon App, with read/write privileges. See Mastodon Docs for details.
To configure automated deployments, you will also need to configure Github secrets for the AWS_DEPLOY_ROLE.
see Github Docs for details about setting up your own OIDC.