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Kevin MacWhinnie edited this page Feb 24, 2016 · 1 revision


The suripu-android codebase includes a small deploy script to automate creation of HockeyApp builds for internal distribution.

Prerequisites for use

  • The Hello-Android-Internal and Hello-Android-Release key stores
  • A HockeyApp API key with upload permissions

Setting up your environment for the deploy script

  • Install the colorize gem (e.g. [sudo] gem install colorize)
  • Add your HockeyApp API key to your environment with the name HELLO_DEPLOY_HOCKEY_TOKEN (e.g. export HELLO_DEPLOY_HOCKEY_TOKEN=xyz)

Available Build Types


Alpha builds are similar to store builds, but include the following extra features:

  • A debug screen accessible through the tapping Sense x.y.z at the bottom of the settings screen
  • A small client for communicating with Sense without a user-centric interface (the Piru-pea option in the debug screen)
  • Extra options during on-boarding accessible through long pressing the ? button
  • Support for arbitrary API environments
  • Targets a non-production Mixpanel account.

Alpha builds can be created and uploaded at any time. They are typically only consumed for QA purposes.


Store builds include no debug options, and are intended to be released to the public. Store builds can only be created on the master branch.


Feature builds are identical to store builds, but are uploaded to a different distribution channel on HockeyApp. They should be used for work-in-progress builds that require input from design or product.


  • -t / --[no-]tests: Runs the project tests before deploying.
  • -k / --[no-]clean: Cleans the project before deploying. Should almost always be used.
  • -sTAG / --save-tag=TAG: Creates a tag on the current branch. Required for new releases.