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Undestanding TurboSearch parameters

Helvio Junior (M4v3r1cK) edited this page May 2, 2019 · 5 revisions


The actual version of TurboSearch contains the following options:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                show this help message and exit

General Setting:
  -t [target url]           target url (ex:
  -w [word list]            word list to be tested
  -T [tasks]                number of connects in parallel (per host, default: 16)
  -o [output file]          save output to disk (default: none)
  -x [extensions]           Append each request with this extensions (comma-separated values)

Custom Settings:
  -R, --restore             restore a previous aborted/crashed session
  -I, --ignore              ignore an existing restore file (don't wait 10 seconds)
  --proxy [target proxy]    target proxy URL (ex:
  -v, --verbose             Shows more options (-h -v). Prints commands and outputs. (default: quiet)
  --full-log                Print full requested URLs (default: no)
  --no-forward-location     Disable forward to Location response address (default: no)
  --ignore-result [filter]  ignore resuts by result code or/and size (ex1: 302 or ex2: 302:172 or ex3: 405,302:172 )
  --find [text to find]     Text to find in content or header (comma-separated values)

Word List Options:
  --md5-search              Search for a MD5 Hash version of each word (default: no)
  --sha1-search             Search for a SHA1 Hash version of each word (default: no)
  --sha256-search           Search for a SHA256 Hash version of each word (default: no)
  --hash-upper              In case of Hash Search be enabled, also search by Uppercase of Hash Hex Text (default: no)

Lets see and understand each parameter and his impact on searching process.

Optional arguments

In optional arguments has only help parameters, that will show the parameters list.

General Setting

-t [target url]

Target URL is the base path to be tested.

-w [word list]

Wordlist file. Each line of this file will be appended on target URL in order to find if exists or not.

-T [tasks]

This parameter define how many concurrent threads will be used to test.

-o [output file]

Path to log file, at this file will be written all screen messages.

-x [extensions]

Comma separated list of extensions to be appended at each target + wordlist + extension. Independent if an extension(s) was provided the TurboSearch will test without extension, in other words, the TurboSearch will test each word without extension, and if an extension was provided, it will test with each extention too.