Develop a mobile application with the listed functionalities:
- The user is shown a video of a gesture.
- The user can replay the video at least 3 times.
- Upon clicking the “PRACTICE” button, the user can capture his or her own video throughthe smartphone’s front camera for a period of at most 5 seconds.
- The videos are uploaded to a server.
The mobile application should have three (3) screens:
- Screen 1: A drop-down menu of 17 different gestures will be shown on this screen.Once a single gesture is selected, the user will be taken to Screen 2.
Gesture list: {Turn on lights, Turn off lights, Turn on fan, Turn off fan, Increase fanspeed, decrease fan speed, Set Thermostat to specified temperature, gesturesone for each digit 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
Screen 2: The video of an expert performing the gesture will be shown on this screen.Screen 2 will have another button that says “PRACTICE”. Once this button is pressed,the user will be taken to Screen 3.
Screen 3: In this screen, the camera interface will be opened for the user to record thepractice gesture. The video will be captured for 5 seconds, and the video will be savedwith the following filename format: [GESTURE NAME]PRACTICE[practice number].mp4
Project demo :
A python application classifying Smart Home gestures using CNN model.
The practice gesture videos generated in project Part 1, test gesture videos provided in the in the instructions and the source code provided will be used to complete the project.
Steps to generate the penultimate layer for the training set:
- Extract the middle frames of all the training gesture videos.
- For each gesture video, you will have one frame extract the hand shape feature by calling theget_Intsance() method of the HandShapeFeatureExtractor class. (HandShapeFeatureExtractor classuses CNN model that is trained for alphabet gestures)
- For each gesture, extract the feature vector.4.Feature vectors of all the gestures is the penultimate layer of the training set.
Task 2: Generate the penultimate layer for the test videosFollow the steps for Task 1 to get the penultimate layer of the test dataset.
- Apply cosine similarity between the vector of the gesture video and the penultimate layer of thetraining set. Corresponding gesture of the training set vector with minimum cosine difference is therecognition of the gesture.
- Save the gesture number to the Results.csv
- Recognize the gestures for all the test dataset videos and save the results to the results.csv file.
First Header | Second Header |
0 | 0 |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 | 6 |
7 | 7 |
8 | 8 |
9 | 9 |
Decrease Fan Speed | 10 |
FanOn | 11 |
FanOff | 12 |
Increase Fan Speed | 13 |
LightOff | 14 |
LightOn | 15 |
SetThermo | 16 |