Simple and easy to run, if you have a Nvidia GPU and want to mine eth.
Note This image builds the Genoil ethminer, which is faster than the standard opencl ethminer.
- Nvidia drivers for your GPU, you can get them here: Nvidia drivers
- nvidia-docker (so docker can access your GPU) install instructions here: nvidia-docker
nvidia-docker run -it anthonytatowicz/eth-cuda-miner ARG1 ARG2 ...
# Example
nvidia-docker run -it anthonytatowicz/eth-cuda-miner \
-S \
-O 0x20ad58fe023265577565c7eb44b55c31e7497c33.cSquared/
Note --farm-recheck, -U, -E and -R are set by default
Genoil's ethminer 0.9.41-genoil-1.0.8
Forked from
CUDA kernel ported from Tim Hughes' OpenCL kernel
With contributions from nerdralph, RoBiK, tpruvot and sp_
Please consider a donation to:
ETH: 0xeb9310b185455f863f526dab3d245809f6854b4d
Usage ethminer [OPTIONS]
Work farming mode:
-F,--farm <url> Put into mining farm mode with the work server at URL (default:
-FF,-FO, --farm-failover, --stratum-failover <url> Failover getwork/stratum URL (default: disabled)
--farm-retries <n> Number of retries until switch to failover (default: 3)
-S, --stratum <host:port> Put into stratum mode with the stratum server at host:port
-FS, --failover-stratum <host:port> Failover stratum server at host:port
-O, --userpass <username.workername:password> Stratum login credentials
-FO, --failover-userpass <username.workername:password> Failover stratum login credentials (optional, will use normal credentials when omitted)
--work-timeout <n> reconnect/failover after n seconds of working on the same (stratum) job. Defaults to 60. Don't set lower than max. avg. block time
--farm-recheck <n> Leave n ms between checks for changed work (default: 500). When using stratum, use a high value (i.e. 2000) to get more stable hashrate output
--no-precompute Don't precompute the next epoch's DAG.
Ethash verify mode:
-w,--check-pow <headerHash> <seedHash> <difficulty> <nonce> Check PoW credentials for validity.
Benchmarking mode:
-M [<n>],--benchmark [<n>] Benchmark for mining and exit; Optionally specify block number to benchmark against specific DAG.
--benchmark-warmup <seconds> Set the duration of warmup for the benchmark tests (default: 3).
--benchmark-trial <seconds> Set the duration for each trial for the benchmark tests (default: 3).
--benchmark-trials <n> Set the duration of warmup for the benchmark tests (default: 5).
Simulation mode:
-Z [<n>],--simulation [<n>] Mining test mode. Used to validate kernel optimizations. Optionally specify block number.
--phone-home <on/off> When benchmarking, publish results (default: off)
DAG file management:
-D,--create-dag <number> Create the DAG in preparation for mining on given block and exit.
-R <s>, --dag-dir <s> Store/Load DAG files in/from the specified directory. Useful for running multiple instances with different configurations.
-E <mode>, --erase-dags <mode> Erase unneeded DAG files. Default is 'none'. Possible values are:
none - don't erase DAG files (default)
old - erase all DAG files older than current epoch
bench - like old, but keep epoch 0 for benchmarking
all - erase all DAG files. After deleting all files, setting changes to none.
Mining configuration:
-C,--cpu When mining, use the CPU.
-G,--opencl When mining use the GPU via OpenCL.
-U,--cuda When mining use the GPU via CUDA.
--opencl-platform <n> When mining using -G/--opencl use OpenCL platform n (default: 0).
--opencl-device <n> When mining using -G/--opencl use OpenCL device n (default: 0).
--opencl-devices <0 1 ..n> Select which OpenCL devices to mine on. Default is to use all
-t, --mining-threads <n> Limit number of CPU/GPU miners to n (default: use everything available on selected platform)
--allow-opencl-cpu Allows CPU to be considered as an OpenCL device if the OpenCL platform supports it.
--list-devices List the detected OpenCL/CUDA devices and exit. Should be combined with -G or -U flag
--current-block Let the miner know the current block number at configuration time. Will help determine DAG size and required GPU memory.
--cl-extragpu-mem Set the memory (in MB) you believe your GPU requires for stuff other than mining. default: 0
--cl-local-work Set the OpenCL local work size. Default is 64
--cl-global-work Set the OpenCL global work size as a multiple of the local work size. Default is 4096 * 64
--cuda-extragpu-mem Set the memory (in MB) you believe your GPU requires for stuff other than mining. Windows rendering e.t.c..
--cuda-block-size Set the CUDA block work size. Default is 128
--cuda-grid-size Set the CUDA grid size. Default is 8192
--cuda-streams Set the number of CUDA streams. Default is 2
--cuda-schedule <mode> Set the schedule mode for CUDA threads waiting for CUDA devices to finish work. Default is 'sync'. Possible values are:
auto - Uses a heuristic based on the number of active CUDA contexts in the process C and the number of logical processors in the system P. If C > P, then yield else spin.
spin - Instruct CUDA to actively spin when waiting for results from the device.
yield - Instruct CUDA to yield its thread when waiting for results from the device.
sync - Instruct CUDA to block the CPU thread on a synchronization primitive when waiting for the results from the device.
--cuda-devices <0 1 ..n> Select which CUDA GPUs to mine on. Default is to use all
General Options:
-v,--verbosity <0 - 9> Set the log verbosity from 0 to 9 (default: 8).
-V,--version Show the version and exit.
-h,--help Show this help message and exit.
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