C++ implementation of the OpenTracing API http://opentracing.io
In order to understand the C++ platform API, one must first be familiar with the OpenTracing project and terminology more generally.
mkdir .build
cd .build
cmake ..
sudo make install
To test:
make test
Everyday consumers of this opentracing
package really only need to worry
about a couple of key abstractions: the StartSpan
function, the Span
interface, and binding a Tracer
at main()
-time. Here are code snippets
demonstrating some important use cases.
The simplest starting point is opentracing/tracer.h
. As early as possible, call
#include <opentracing/tracer.h>
#include <some_tracing_impl.h>
int main() {
If you prefer direct control to singletons, manage ownership of the
implementation explicitly.
It's always possible to create a "root" Span
with no parent or other causal
void xyz() {
auto tracer = /* Some Tracer */
auto span = tracer->StartSpan("operation_name");
if (!span)
// Error creating span.
void xyz(const opentracing::Span& parent_span, ...) {
auto tracer = /* Some Tracer */
auto span = tracer->StartSpan(
if (!span)
// Error creating span.
struct CustomCarrierWriter : opentracing::TextMapWriter {
explicit CustomCarrierWriter(
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& data_)
: data{data_} {}
opentracing::expected<void> Set(
opentracing::string_view key,
opentracing::string_view value) const override {
// OpenTracing uses opentracing::expected for error handling. This closely
// follows the expected proposal for the C++ Standard Library. See
// http://open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG21/docs/papers/2017/p0323r3.pdf
// for more background.
opentracing::expected<void> result;
auto was_successful = data.emplace(key, value);
if (was_successful.second) {
// Use a default constructed opentracing::expected<void> to indicate
// success.
return result;
} else {
// `key` clashes with existing data, so the span context can't be encoded
// successfully; set opentracing::expected<void> to an std::error_code.
return opentracing::make_unexpected(
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& data;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> data;
CustomCarrierWriter carrier{data};
auto was_successful = tracer->Inject(span->context(), carrier);
if (!was_successful) {
// Injection failed, log an error message.
std::cerr << was_successful.error().message() << "\n";
struct CustomCarrierReader : opentracing::TextMapReader {
explicit CustomCarrierReader(
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& data_)
: data{data_} {}
using F = std::function<opentracing::expected<void>(
opentracing::string_view, opentracing::string_view)>;
opentracing::expected<void> ForeachKey(F f) const override {
// Iterate through all key-value pairs, the tracer will use the relevant keys
// to extract a span context.
for (auto& key_value : data) {
auto was_successful = f(key_value.first, key_value.second);
if (!was_successful) {
// If the callback returns and unexpected value, bail out of the loop.
return was_successful;
// Indicate successful iteration.
return {};
// Optional, define TextMapReader::LookupKey to allow for faster extraction.
opentracing::expected<opentracing::string_view> LookupKey(
opentracing::string_view key) const override {
auto iter = data.find(key);
if (iter != data.end()) {
return opentracing::make_unexpected(opentracing::key_not_found_error);
return opentracing::string_view{iter->second};
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& data;
CustomCarrierReader carrier{data};
auto span_context_maybe = tracer->Extract(carrier);
if (!span_context_maybe) {
// Extraction failed, log an error message.
std::cerr << span_context_maybe.error().message() << "\n";
// If `carrier` contained a span context, `span_context` will point to a
// representation of it; otherwise, if no span context existed, `span_context`
// will be nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<opentracing::SpanContext> span_context =
For the time being, "mild" backwards-incompatible changes may be made without
changing the major version number. As OpenTracing and opentracing-cpp
backwards compatibility will become more of a priority.
This library requires C++11 or later. But if you're interested in a C or C++98 API contact us on gitter. We're open to supporting additional APIs in a separate repository if there are people willing to maintain it.