the dialect of the common people of a region, differing in various respects from the standard language of the rest of the country. "the nurse talked to me in a patois that even Italians would have had difficulty in understanding" synonyms: vernacular, (local) dialect, regional language; More
- the jargon or informal speech used by a particular social group. "the raunchy patois of inner-city kids"
Patois is a shared library and toolbox for NLP
Use the makefile to install/reinstall patois.
- Installing Patois for the first time
When you install patois for the first time you'll have to download the right corpora and language models
# Install patois
make install
- Installing Patois for development
# Install patois
make develop
- Testing the Patois Docker image
make docker-build
- Running the tests
make test
- Uploading the coverage file to code-climate
make submit-coverage
from patois import Patois
# Init a patois object
# All objects inherit basic spaCy capabilities like pos, dep, ner, etc.
nlp = Patois()
# Give patois a couple of messages
doc = nlp(["Message 1", "Message 2"])
>>> 2
# Iterate through the messages
for message in doc:
print message # returns a message object
# By passing one message you immediately get a Message object
message = nlp("This is a test message, with a number: 3")
# Iterate through sentences
for sentence in message.sentences:
print sentence # returns a Sentence object
# Iterate through tokens
for token in message:
print token # retuns Noun, Verb, Number or Token object
# Iterate through tokens of a sentence
for token in sentence:
print token # retuns Noun, Verb, Number or Token object
# All objects allow slicing
>>> This
# Depending on POS you get a different Token object
verb = message[1]
>>> u'been'
>>> u'3rd singular present'
noun = message[4]
>>> u'a'
>>> u'communication'
>>> u'a communication (usually brief) that is written or spoken or signaled'
number = message[10]
>>> u'three'
For more examples generate the documentation.
Sphinx is required to generate the documentation.
# Install sphinx
pip install sphinx
# Generate the docs
make documentation
- Keep capitals when expand contractions and slang (will improve sentiment)
- Improve topic modelling
- Better text cleaning
- Better text replacement (numbers, urls, usernames)
- Adjust vocabulary size to obtain better results
- Replace gensim word2vec with raw lookup table and vectors