This app is an Hackernews clone tool to categorize and share links. Use the global search feature to find an old link with ease :)
You need both docker
and docker-compose
to build/run this project.
sudo apt install docker docker-compose
git clone
cd links/
sudo docker-compose build
First we need to create the database and run rails migrations.
git clone
cd links/
sudo docker-compose run web rake db:create
sudo docker-compose run web rake db:migrate
Finally, just launch the container with:
sudo docker-compose up -d # -d for running it in background
You can now access the app on http://localhost:3000
If you don't have a transactional email provider, you might want to validate users by hand. You can do it by finding link validations in logs, or more easily by using the Rails console like so:
sudo docker-compose run web bash # if container not running
sudo docker-compose exec web bash # if container running
myapp$ rails c
irb(main):> User.first.confirm # use User.find() to select another user