📣 Important
The update you've all been waiting for, just before the New Year.
✨ New Features
Added system player support (all media sources)
Added support for focus modes (including custom ones)
Added configurable preferred display choice
Added natural movement option for swipes
Added notification duration options
Added hover duration option for expand on hover
Added ability to hide song title extras
Improved design on non notch displays
Improved low battery warnings for connectivity to be instant
Improved marquee design to better match iOS
Improved fine tuner by adding haptic sound
Improved AirPods connectivity to be more reliable
🐞 Bug Fixes
Rewrote music manager for better overall experience
Rewrote focus manager for instant feedback
Fixed lock state sometimes getting stuck
Replaced Safari media source with system instead
Changed notifications to be allowed while expanded
Changed expand to be allowed while notification is visible
Prevented enable focus option from triggering focus state
Changed tuning symbol
Fixed HUD on external Apple displays
Lowered default HUD duration
Fixed transitions between focus states
Fixed multiple swipe triggers spam
Fixed slider bounce animation glitch
Prevented native HUD from restoring on screen wake
Prevented volume HUD from triggering on connectivity
Fixed audio device symbol failing on certain Mac
Fixed certain device type crashes
Fixed bug displaying incorrect device type on volume change
Fixed visually stuck bug when pressing and dragging notch
Fixed open app bug when app has non default location
Lowered notification default duration
Fixed all known album art crashes
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