This was an interesting test to do, I had never used the FluxCD tool and it seems to be an interesting tool for some applications, however it has some vulnerabilities, (is an interesting alternative between FluxCD and ArgoCD)
For this specific project I used Starboard Helm Chart where a simple application of the http echo hashcorp with the word "hello world" was deployed, it works in the minicube and the performance is good.
I separated two environments for this, one for prod and one for release or staging, this is a good way to not break anything in production even if the application is a simple http echo.
For the notification test I created an alert-slack.yaml to test the notifications, to use just put your token where the slack-url is, I strongly recommend using amazon SSM or Vault to store the secret values
kind: Provider
name: slack
namespace: flux-system
type: slack
channel: flux-cd-test
name: slack-url
see how the notification looks in slack:
and why Starboard?
first Starboard worked very well with fluxCd
Starboard is a completely open source tool that integrates with other security tools to scan your workloads and make security reports accessible through the Kubernetes API - K8s all the way
in short working with FluxCD was fun and interesting, it's worth the discussion if it would replace the other CiCds on the market