Convert your Gnucash Sqlite3 file to a Beancount text ledger.
Requires Python 3.3+
pip install gnucash-to-beancount
gnucash-to-beancount my-ledger.gnucash > my-ledger.beancount
git clone
cd gnucash-to-beancount
python -m venv -p python3.6 .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python develop
The tests are still primitives using diff with golden files. If shows nothing, all is good. :)
This version supports:
- Accounts
- Transactions and it's Splits
- Commodities
- Prices
Unsupported features:
- Lots
- Budget
- Scheduled Transactions
- All Business entities
- Key Value metadata
You may help improve this project by providing a sample Gnucash Sqlite3 file that uses one or more unsupported features.
Copyright (C) 2017 Henrique Bastos.
This code is distributed under the terms of the "GNU GPLv2 only". See LICENSE file for details.