Real time collision detection for 2D Sprite Kit games.
This library extends SKSpriteNode and helps you drop a real time AABB collision system into your game. For use primarily with tile-based 2D games, it is not designed to emulate real world collisions - instead allowing you to apply your own custom physics.
It requires Apple's Sprite Kit but the concepts can easily be transferred to other libraries/languages. It is designed to be tile-independent allowing you to use whatever tile system you want to (or none at all). The sample project uses
An excellent explaination of the speculative contacts method used in the narrow-phase of the collision detection can be found here:
At the moment ToastCollision2D has basic slope support (which needs improvement) and only supports AABB collisions between SKSpriteNode frame rectangles.
Drop the ToastCollisions2D directory into your project and import.
#import "TC_CollisionDetector.h"
- (void)update:(CFTimeInterval)currentTime {
// ...calculate delta
// ...apply velocity changes
// ** NOTE: Changes should be applied to the tcVelocity variable provided. **
// ToastCollisions2D Collision detection
[self.collisionDetector detectCollisionsBetweenNodes:self.allObjects withDelta:delta];
// Apply velocity
CGPoint velocityStep = CGPointMultiplyScalar(self.player.tcVelocity, delta);
self.player.position = CGPointAdd(self.player.position, velocityStep);
Please contribute to the project if you can. My aim is to produce an easy drop-in collision solution which will cater for custom physics worlds in 2D Sprite Kit games.
Many concepts (and some code) borrowed from the following sources: (Speculative contacts) (Spatial hashing) (CGPoint math)